found seeds in plant-why?


Well-Known Member
i have 3 outdoor plants that spend nights indoor and go outside during theday. i found a bud on one of them that is seeded. is all my pot ruined? theyre only 1 week away from harvest and i just noticed this. i minght as well turn all of these plants to hash oil if theyre all seeded. i was wondering why my buds looked so filled out. it was seeds. how did this happen? they were around no male plants.


Well-Known Member
Possibly someone is growing breading near you as XSiL3nTX stated male pollen can travel quit a distance, also may just be a case of your plant(s) turned hermie...

Got any pics?



Well-Known Member
I just had the same thing happen to me.
I found one little male flower on the lowest branch hinding under a bud.
It already opened up and all my lower buds are seeded.
I can always use the seeds(I hope)
and it will still make great hash!


Well-Known Member
Remember Marijuana has been chiling with us for thousands and thousands of years and she's pretty fucking smart and her aim is to reproduce; I concur with others that pollen must have traveled through the air and seeded your crop. How seeded does it look bro? I feel bad for yah man!

Fuck I wish we could all just get together and get high!


Well-Known Member
well incidentaly, i had a dream that they were seeded and i woke up happy it was only a dream. now that some bud contain seeds (amazing thing, the formation and eventual sprout of a seed) and ive found little seeds forming on the lower branches of 2 plants im bummed out that im not going to get the sensemilla i was hoping for. im not that excited anymore now that i know ill be turning alot of it into butter and hash oil. oh well, i still got some bubba kush and snow cap flowering in the closet so i shouldnt be all hurt over some bag seed. (fucking whores!)its just that they looked so beautiful and i took care of them for months from seed and a week away from harvest i find out theres seed...:cry:



Well-Known Member
is there a radius say of how far pollen will travel until it arrives in the pistil of a female plant? i just dont understand how my plants became seeded, and i keep finding more and more seeds in my bud upon inspection. and i have found no male organs on any of my plants, although i have 2 that need to be chopped next monday, so maby the male staminate will have yet to appear.


Well-Known Member
if you dont keep to the correct times like 12/12 the plant get mixed up and starts to poll its self. hermie. or it cud of got poll. by a nearby male. any pics. you can smoke it. by the way does it have seeds growing everywere. if so wait for them to form before you harvest. cos unformed seeds can give bad headaces, if there hermie. wait till they form, before you harvest.


Well-Known Member
i deseeded and destemmed about an oz of weed from 1st plant and then weighed about 23 grams after coffee grinder. put powder in a pvc extractor and yeilded about 1 gram honey oil. so i couldnt figure out what the deal was and when i shook the container i could hear dry weed all up in it. i took the pvc end cap off and powdered weed went flying every where, so i picked up what i could and weighed it out at 19 grams of powdered bud which ill save and make tincture.

anyway, i think i pulled out over 200 seeds, mostly on the bottom buds and still couldnt find any male organs. i chopped plant 2 and i didnt find many seeds so ill wait till the herb dryer is done and check em out. and by the way the seeds are all developed and pretty hard and have the darker color to them.