found mold! soab!

I found mold on 2 ladies, both one small site. I removed the mold but i would like to go atleast 2 more weeks. What is readily available and works great at stopping mold from hitting?


Well-Known Member
i shake the rain and morning dew off my plants, bring them in on very humid over cast days and put em in front of fans, and also make sure they get a good hour or two of morning sunlight, it helps evaporate excess dew off the plant. I find the main source of mold getting dew on your plant and it not getting rid of it before the air gets warm, the slow increase in temps makes a perfect environment for mold. getting sun as early in the day as possible is a great way to decrease chance of mold. Also, if plants are tightly together make sure there is a 8-12" between the pot and the leaves, it allows a channel of air to travel down through the foliage and up through the leaves.
if things are touching one another i train em away from eachother; mold favors those buds that touch eachother so i reeally watch those.