Found a plant in my backyard.


Active Member
Alright, well about 2 weeks ago I came across a plant growing in a bin in my backyard. What happened was when ever my dad sweeps the back driveway he puts everything into this bin. So apparently a seed from me and my friends got swept in with it. So im guessing all this crap (leaves and those helicopter things and some dirt) broke down into some kind of compost and the seed was able to grow. :-)

I dont know much about growing or what to do, but i did transplant it carefully into some good soil i picked up at lowes and brought it inside. I gave it some water and have been keeping the soil moist until I could get on here and ask for advice. I've had the plant in my room for about 4 days now. I had it next to the window so the sun could get at it until i found a light. Which I just plugged in some 120 watt flood light I found yesterday.

So all the advice I could get will help. Such as how often I should water and temperature and if i should find another light and what kind. Also im pretty sure i should trim some of the plant. But im not sure how to or what leaves. So if someone could help with that to, thatd be awesome. I attachached some pictures also. I plan on adding more soil too.

Thanks everyone.



Active Member
Thanks for showing me that thread. But it didn't mention anything about trimming. Could any one help me out with that? Im not even sure if i should or not. And im not sure if i should get a different light or if this one will this one work. If anyone could help thatd be great.

Also, can anyone estimate how old the plant is? I really have no idea.

Thanks again for the help.


Well-Known Member
Dont trim her just let her grow everything on the plant is for a reason!
But put more soil in that pot.

Dude you pretty mutch won the lottery!Lucky guy :clap:


Well-Known Member
Oh yea i completley missed that, man thats lucky! id get some more soil in there and get her under some lights, just goes to show ya can get bud without any effort what so ever! Good luck man, your lucky!


Well-Known Member
well u got buds growing allready so i wouldnt trim anything and a flood light is no good.. way to much heat and not the right kind of light you could by an hps a lil expensive or u could use cfls. the plant looks pretty good u can also add some molasses unsulphered to fatten the!


Active Member
So if that is a cfl i've definitely seen them around. But i dont have to look for wattage? Just something around 2700k?

And also, should I be using any kind of food or should I just being using regular water for now? I plan on picking up a moisture meter today or tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
the higher the watt the better of course the more light the better they sell 42 watters that are nice for around 9 $ and the plant should be old enough for nutes if its budding but since it hasnt had any thus far start off with small amounts.. when the plant is in flower you want a higher P number u will see on the back of all food a NPK ratio u want the middle one to be the highest and like i said b4 maybe try mixing some molasses into ur water ive been using it throughout my whole flowering stage seems to help... hope some of that helped gl!


Well-Known Member
listen to me closely. buy yourself some AVID its insect killer for a specific type of monster called a SPIDERMITE they live on plants and are almost too small to see with the nekkid eye! (haha i said nekkid) seriously though, buy yourself some avid. and you might as well get yourself a few lights as now youre trying to mimick the sunlight shes been getting


Well-Known Member
Yeah my friend had that shit happen they always smoke din the back yard and threw the seeds in his moms garden and the lawn.well one day he noticed that 5 were sprouting and let em grow out.then his mom thought they were a weed and pulled the bitches like when they were tall as fuck...he was pissed.good thing you recovered yours!


Active Member
Alright. Thanks you guys. I'm deffinetly gonna go pick up one of those lights and try the molasses idea. I'll probably pick up the nutes and avid stuff too if i cant find it and have the money.

Pretty much my only question left for now is if anyone knows how old she is?