found 6 plants what to do

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Well-Known Member
Hey all , I found 6 female plants that are flowering and I was wondering what I should do? I was gonna either chop them and transplant them in a new spot or come back and pinch them before the other guy harvests them? What to do..


Well-Known Member
Another one of these posts?

Why do you think it's ok to fuck with some else's grow? Stealing is stealing. You want plants. grow your own


Well-Known Member
As I've said before in these kind of posts, I wouldn't take anymore than a cutting... If someone fucked with my grow, personally I wouldn't kill them, but severe pain would be in your near future! Growing outdoors in a undisclosed location can be tricky and have many risks, such as someone stumbling across your grow and planning to rip you off for all your hard work. If I grew guerilla style and had 8 foot monsters in the natural sun I'd be honored if a cannibus enthusiast took a cut or two, as far as ripping off the grow completely... FUCK YOU, do the right thing!


Well-Known Member
Why can't ripper be banned. I sleeped in my tent to stop ripper like you. It fuckers like you that make me spend the night in a tent rather then sleeping with the little old lady.

Grow your own fucker.

Atleast I have a van now. But that does not make it any better you dick head. Thanks


6ixty 9ine

Good shit. This kid proboly won't even dry it out right. The plants are like 2 weeks into flowering and Ed talking about cutting a plant and regrowing it. He's a dumb shit and wont follow our advice. Hopefully the owner will catch him with a 16 gauge double barrel and blow his chest out. Good luck buddy.


Chop off ONE a small branch of each of his plants, leave 50 bucks and a not saying what you did. If you have to be an asshole and steal something from him, I feel that this is the kindest way to do it.


whats point in askin u prob allready know what u are going to do regardless of what ppl say
me personally would chop ya fuckin hands off if i caught you an fuck the prison sentence id lie im my cot smiling thinking about the twat that has 2 be spoon fed cos he couldnt keep his hands 2 himself


Well-Known Member
Hey all , I found 6 female plants that are flowering and I was wondering what I should do? I was gonna either chop them and transplant them in a new spot or come back and pinch them before the other guy harvests them? What to do..
did you know your weenie shrinks everytime you tell a lie.:shock:


Active Member
Either they are full of it trying to troll, or they are going to take it and are just wanting someone to say it's ok. If we say don't take it and why, people like this just get pissed off a d think we are the assholes. I say as a collective, any threads like this get ignored. Just my .02


Well-Known Member
Also what the hell is the OP thinking? Does he really think coming to an outdoor grow forum and ask about ripping a plant is a good idea?

Like I said. I sleep with my plants from fuckers like this.

mushroom head

Well-Known Member
Those are my plants you found, and ill burn your ass into ashes and use you as fertilizer if there is a single leaf picked off one of my plants.

rat bitch.
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