Found 5 watt LEDs with warranty


Active Member
I typed in 15 LED spot model in yahoo and got a site that sells different wattage LED spots that come with warranties, allow you to build specific ratios, and tells you the par and actual wattage draw of the LED. It's sold by a company called They claim to be connecting consumer with manufacturer. If these heat sinks are properly designed, Are we really getting 5 watt LEDs that can run at spectrum without burning out that are maybe pushing 3.7 watts actual power? I would buy about 10 of these suckers and grow some TREES!!! Anyone got any input on this? Sounds too good to be true, but maybe the market is finally picking up???
yes i am using the GoPro Waterproof mount, it is simply elastic banded to a ply backplate on my DIY mount, as shown in the videos earlier in this thread. Please could you detail what you mean by 'white rubber thingy'. I've looked in the GoPro box but cant find anything like that, or white even?

I have just been looking at the Multiwii you suggested, it looks like this is a DIY thing you have to build yourself fro msensors, is this correct? I dont mind doing a bit of work, but im not sure if my electronics skills are good enough to solder PCBs etc,