forgot to turn off lights day 30


I have timers n stuff but i like to leave my tent open for cooler climate.

Anyway my tent was suppose to be shut and lights off at 10:00 am and I didnt do it untill 11:45.

Now the problem is the 4 bulb 4 ft T5 sittin outside the tent on my clones is what was hitting the girls so its not like I had my hps on they went off at 10:00 like they were suppose to.

Is this ok or they gonna grow balls?


Active Member
hard to say how fare away is the t-5? are the flowering girls femenized seeds or clones if so then hermi in in their genetic code making it a bigger chance that they will as you so nicly put it grow balls. only time will tell on this one.. if i were you id pray to buddah or however you get down wit the higher power that they dont "grow balls" but i understand why it happend...somtimes its hard to be high and responcable at the same time. thats plant abuse brother. im jus screwin with ya though fer reel i hope everything goes smooth for ya man. ill say a lil prayor myself for your ladys tonight. good luck yo.