forecast tonight: 32 degrees


New Member
...which is freezing. right on the button

but other than that, the temperatures (highs/lows) for the week are low 40's to low/mid 60's

so the question is: chop before nightfall, or let the plant go another week and stay alert to temps?


put a box over it otherwise if you got no box large enough leave it for few nights see if it starts dying then chop if its fine then let it ripen


Active Member
You need to cover it, ensure that the ground directly under the plant canopy has adequate insulating ground cover and provide a source of heating. If it is possible just run a shop light out to the plant and put it under the cover. The heat from the light will keep the plant warm enough. If you can not run a light source out to it (guerilla grow), then take a can of sterno out to the site and after you have prepped the plant (covered it, ground cover), pop the sterno and place under the plant canopy.

If you do nothing, and the temps fall to freezing, then you stand the very real chance of the water within your plant freezing. At that point your plant is dead. I have read that large marijuana plants can sometimes handle a single night of freezing, but why take the chance if you do not have to? Just go prep your site for the freezing weather and you should be fine.


Well-Known Member
We had 3 days of frosts in a row, one night it hit 32 I think. Plants that are healthy can take it!.