Forced parenthood ( a place for us single dads forced into the flames)


Well-Known Member
What are some of your stories, Mine is pretty fucking shitty, I'll share. Before that I'll tell you my thoughts of forced parenthood, and how i have precived father's in my life.

I look at it like this, women have birth control pill's and shots, they have abortions, and also adoption, all before and after conception things they can do about an unwanted pregnancy. while men have... Condoms, they break, they rip, they get holes poked in them, or otherwise sabotaged, not to mention make sex about 1/3 as pleasurable as it is without one. A woman gets knocked up, no biggie if they dont want it, even if the man does, that shit is as good as gone. Now if you knock a bitch up, there is NOTHING legally you can do to prevent it from going all the way, and the only thing you can prevent illegally is kill the bitch and her unborn fetus, and plop her in a snake pit* in mexico ;) lol.

My story starts fresh out of county jail, on a dating website. Lol... I know. Anyways, I get out of jail, almost immediately go back to my way of killing time, even without a job or money, i start surfing the web, and dating. I meet this chick for this stories sake we will call her "cunt", now i meet cunt, shes not attractive to me, so i kinda just hang out with her and get drunk. Anyways, this goes on for weeks, movies, drinking, random parties, NO SEX. Now as the weeks go on, she started to really display signs that she was very insecure, even though i believe all we had done is maybe kiss a few times, wasted. More of just a time killing person to hang out with for me. She would start fights when she got drunk about her insecurity's blaming it on her being cheated on and how i had two previous fwb's that went to the night club she did with me, and i would bum smokes of them and catch a chat once in a while, if she was talking to her friends. then she would blow up on me... Again, NO SEX... did not know why she was being like that, walked home a few times wasted from the bar to get away from her, up to 12 miles a few times. this went on till one night, total time off/on now is about 3 weeks.

One night, we go to her friends party, which was more of a get together, not a party. just a few couples drinking, and some straglers. I get a call on my phone telling me a friend of mine, who she also knew had died that night. Immediately i was balling, the woman who died had helped me through a really really terrible prior relationship on the phone. Total nut job i was dating had multiple personality's and was a chronic liar. It made me immediately so intensely depressed, she had suffered from failing kidneys her entire adult life, and had kidney failure. she went to dialysis 3 times a week, died at 27 or 28... cunt was also feeling like that although had no close personal relationship with her like i did. Because i felt so abandoned, depressed, sad, just a cocktail of sadness, and she did to, i don't know what happened but we ended up sleeping together. end of night.

Days go by, we go to funeral together, cry together, etc. then its back to drinking and fighting with this now completely insaine bitch now that we had slept together it was ten fold, in every insecurity she had. for whatever reason maybe just depression, we slept together a couple more times in that two weeks since the death that started it all. before i finally said, i have had enough and just never ever ever ever wanted to see her again.

A month passes, me and a buddy are out drinking at some bar, hitting on women like normal, that bitch was long gone in my head. Im talking to two chicks from another state, and i get a tap on the shoulder... its cunt. I say oh what the fuck, (facebook, she knew where i was cause my dipshit friend tagged us) i tell the ladies ill be back in a min, she walks with me and pulls out a positive prego test, and im in total disbelief... I say, how, when, what the fuck? i dont believe its mine, i had gone so many years, never a pregnancy i figured i was sterile. took my bio father 8 years to get my mom preg. She invites me to come "talk" at her friends, we leave. whole time im in shock, and really dont believe its even could be mine, she was emo bitch the whole time i knew her and figured she was prego, and had admitted to sleeping with a guy short time before we started hanging out. so we get to the house, she seems like shes trying to rekindle whatever she thought we had, which was nothing. so i say fuck it, go to sleep leave in morning, and texting later that night, we were texting cause i was not interested in being her friend, or anything for that matter, and figured it could be one of her slut friends who even pissed on the thing, i didnt care. then she started saying how she was having this kid, it was mine there was nothing i could , then out of feeling trapped i went into absolute RAGE on her. told her her body should be in a shallow grave in a desert, i hoped she died, i fucking hated her, which i did before but not near as bad as the entrapping bitch she was now being...

Long story short, a year n change come and go, i went through many jobs, but met a great woman and have been with her comming up on two years now that has two of her own. I found out i was the father in july after they sent me dna i was still in denial till results, just started to see my kid at 10 months old, having to kiss her cunt moms ass to even see her, fighting with my own mom till she said i was no longer welcome in her house... all kinds of lovely things. I can't be this cunts friend, and im developing a strange hate for my mother, as if she is siding with this cunt instead of her own son... her whole goal in life was to be a mom, had a physically abusive relationship with my bio dad which i found out at like 20 years old, hated that she hid the fact my dad was not my sisters, then my sisters dad was also cast the fuck out, restraining order etc, all by 10 years old for me... she also manipulated both me and my sister into thinking our fathers were no good peices of shit and made us hate them. no other father figure since 10 years old. I am now almost 27. I feel as though i never had a relationship with my sister, and my mom always favored her over me, and is like a man hater now or something i think, think im disowned by my mother, but really dont care.

sorry for the long read all of you, someone make me feel like im not alone in this totally fucked up situation... i still have never had my kid ALONE without her mother, or mine present, and now im going to have to pay backed child support. I dont hate the kid, the kid had no choice, neither did i to being born or in my kids birth, and she is also has severe cleft and will have surgery for it till shes fucking 21, i feel bad enough already because shes a damn stranger still to me, even in spite of almost weekly visits for 4 months. The whole situation makes me want to fucking rage kill her mother, and mine, for so many reasons, and to cry for my damn kid.


Well-Known Member
I weep for our future
so do i... I feel like riu men are the only ones that could possibly understand, my own woman can't possibly fathom it since she herself has been a single mom much of her life. I don't even care what women think, just men... cause shit is totally not in our favor. example courts still put primary custody to dead beat welfare moms before decent fucking men... we are men before we are fathers, hence the wording. women, have served little purpose on this planet except for making babys.


dude i cant say anything. ive kept it in my pants. i was jogging by these two today and it was a women and her daughter the women was holding her grand child and the chick tried to say something, dab dab dab dab faster. "thats what i thought" was what came out of her moms mouth. can't tell you how many chicks just wanted a sperm donor for their welfare. as if it isnt coming from me. shit you don't even have to be good looking to have it happen. just sleezy welfair single moms. better you guys than me.


Well-Known Member
Real men dont call themselves "fathers" we call ourselves MEN. Women cling onto motherhood like a disease.


Well-Known Member
dude i cant say anything. ive kept it in my pants. i was jogging by these two today and it was a women and her daughter the women was holding her grand child and the chick tried to say something, dab dab dab dab faster. "thats what i thought" was what came out of her moms mouth. can't tell you how many chicks just wanted a sperm donor for their welfare. as if it isnt coming from me. shit you don't even have to be good looking to have it happen. just sleezy welfair single moms. better you guys than me.
LMFAO, dude its the truth... you know why? the gov aid, the mandatory RANSOM on men to pay child support and ebt... if women had none of these crutches, there would not be so many welfare sluts, and they would defiantly consider there fucking options or take birth control like all of us men would if it was available for us when it came down to unplanned pregnancy.


Active Member
Children are a product of sex. You had sex. Your the father. You need to own up to it. Time to strap down and get shit in focus.

You will be able to see your child! You will need to keep fighting in court! Try your hardest to get a job and pay your child support! Its a cruel fuckin world, you know this, you can't leave the girl alone in this world. Especially if cunt is actually like that. You need to be in her life as much as you can!

Every man goes through this when the find out they are a father. I know I did. All the uncertainty fucks with you. I am doing my best to provide for my family and you need to also.

As for your mother, she probably sides with the psycho because she is a psycho, and a woman (same thing most of the time). She probably sees that you brought life into this world and you need to take of it. Killing her mom, which I am not sure if you are serious about or not, will just fuck your daughters and your life.

Don't be one of those dads that has abandoned their children, they are a dime a dozen. You will pull through this, it takes progress. You can't just fix your life over night. You need to keep taking the small steps.


Active Member
And yes, I know women that have 5 different kids from 5 different dads, getting 400$ in child support a month from each. What the cunts don't realize is it all comes back to them in the end, or 18 years from now when their money supply stops.


Well-Known Member
Children are a product of sex. You had sex. Your the father. You need to own up to it. Time to strap down and get shit in focus.

You will be able to see your child! You will need to keep fighting in court! Try your hardest to get a job and pay your child support! Its a cruel fuckin world, you know this, you can't leave the girl alone in this world. Especially if cunt is actually like that. You need to be in her life as much as you can!

Every man goes through this when the find out they are a father. I know I did. All the uncertainty fucks with you. I am doing my best to provide for my family and you need to also.

As for your mother, she probably sides with the psycho because she is a psycho, and a woman (same thing most of the time). She probably sees that you brought life into this world and you need to take of it. Killing her mom, which I am not sure if you are serious about or not, will just fuck your daughters and your life.

Don't be one of those dads that has abandoned their children, they are a dime a dozen. You will pull through this, it takes progress. You can't just fix your life over night. You need to keep taking the small steps.
in all honesty i wish i could abandon them all. as the selfish human i am, but it goes against my brain washed society compass. my life was fucked upi know i have to break the chain, but the funny thing is both my mom, and my kids mom, had fathers they stayed with... all i ever saw fatherhood as is something terrible.


Well-Known Member
when you consent to sex, your not consenting to be a father, your just consenting to sex. otherwise all of us would have 5000 fucking kids dude...


Well-Known Member
so do i... I feel like riu men are the only ones that could possibly understand, my own woman can't possibly fathom it since she herself has been a single mom much of her life. I don't even care what women think, just men... cause shit is totally not in our favor. example courts still put primary custody to dead beat welfare moms before decent fucking men... we are men before we are fathers, hence the wording. women, have served little purpose on this planet except for making babys.

Methinks that you missed and made Singlemalts point at the same time.......Well done Sir!!!!!!:wall:


Active Member
see this thread is the reason i masterbate and laugh at those kinds of people, ive run into a dozen of them at work.they look so helpless and wondering. they dont even no where they want to go in life. goaless twits
Dude, right click on your words with the red underlines and you can ACTUALLY SPELL THE WORDS RIGHT. Your probably masturbate because you have no other choice. Sex is a beautiful thing and it creates beautiful creatures. You should try it some time. You can have a 1000 goals in life and never achieve not one. You don't have to have a successful career to be a success father.


bud bootlegger
Children are a product of sex. You had sex. Your the father. You need to own up to it. Time to strap down and get shit in focus.

You will be able to see your child! You will need to keep fighting in court! Try your hardest to get a job and pay your child support! Its a cruel fuckin world, you know this, you can't leave the girl alone in this world. Especially if cunt is actually like that. You need to be in her life as much as you can!

Every man goes through this when the find out they are a father. I know I did. All the uncertainty fucks with you. I am doing my best to provide for my family and you need to also.

As for your mother, she probably sides with the psycho because she is a psycho, and a woman (same thing most of the time). She probably sees that you brought life into this world and you need to take of it. Killing her mom, which I am not sure if you are serious about or not, will just fuck your daughters and your life.

Don't be one of those dads that has abandoned their children, they are a dime a dozen. You will pull through this, it takes progress. You can't just fix your life over night. You need to keep taking the small steps.
yeah, sorry, but i don't see how you were forced to become a parent, unless of course she raped you and made you ejaculate inside of her ovulating vjj, any thing other than that, you were a willing participant.
if you didn't want to have a child with cunt, you shouldn't of been sleeping with cunt, or used condoms or birth control.. wtf people are so willing to have unprotected sex with cunts that they barely know is so beyond me..
and lastly, women hang onto mother hood as often times, as in cunts instance, they have to take care of raise the child all on their own.. if they didn't take mother hood so seriously, kids would be truly fuct..
sorry, but been trying to have a kid with my gf, and stories like this piss the fuck out of me..


Well-Known Member
see this thread is the reason i masterbate and laugh at those kinds of people, ive run into a dozen of them at work.they look so helpless and wondering. they dont even no where they want to go in life. goaless twits
there is always move out of country, good luck garnishing taxed wages from another thug gang aka country... lol


Well-Known Member
What are some of your stories, Mine is pretty fucking shitty, I'll share. Before that I'll tell you my thoughts of forced parenthood, and how i have precived father's in my life.

I look at it like this, women have birth control pill's and shots, they have abortions, and also adoption, all before and after conception things they can do about an unwanted pregnancy. while men have... Condoms, they break, they rip, they get holes poked in them, or otherwise sabotaged, not to mention make sex about 1/3 as pleasurable as it is without one. A woman gets knocked up, no biggie if they dont want it, even if the man does, that shit is as good as gone. Now if you knock a bitch up, there is NOTHING legally you can do to prevent it from going all the way, and the only thing you can prevent illegally is kill the bitch and her unborn fetus, and plop her in a snake pit* in mexico ;) lol.

My story starts fresh out of county jail, on a dating website. Lol... I know. Anyways, I get out of jail, almost immediately go back to my way of killing time, even without a job or money, i start surfing the web, and dating. I meet this chick for this stories sake we will call her "cunt", now i meet cunt, shes not attractive to me, so i kinda just hang out with her and get drunk. Anyways, this goes on for weeks, movies, drinking, random parties, NO SEX. Now as the weeks go on, she started to really display signs that she was very insecure, even though i believe all we had done is maybe kiss a few times, wasted. More of just a time killing person to hang out with for me. She would start fights when she got drunk about her insecurity's blaming it on her being cheated on and how i had two previous fwb's that went to the night club she did with me, and i would bum smokes of them and catch a chat once in a while, if she was talking to her friends. then she would blow up on me... Again, NO SEX... did not know why she was being like that, walked home a few times wasted from the bar to get away from her, up to 12 miles a few times. this went on till one night, total time off/on now is about 3 weeks.

One night, we go to her friends party, which was more of a get together, not a party. just a few couples drinking, and some straglers. I get a call on my phone telling me a friend of mine, who she also knew had died that night. Immediately i was balling, the woman who died had helped me through a really really terrible prior relationship on the phone. Total nut job i was dating had multiple personality's and was a chronic liar. It made me immediately so intensely depressed, she had suffered from failing kidneys her entire adult life, and had kidney failure. she went to dialysis 3 times a week, died at 27 or 28... cunt was also feeling like that although had no close personal relationship with her like i did. Because i felt so abandoned, depressed, sad, just a cocktail of sadness, and she did to, i don't know what happened but we ended up sleeping together. end of night.

Days go by, we go to funeral together, cry together, etc. then its back to drinking and fighting with this now completely insaine bitch now that we had slept together it was ten fold, in every insecurity she had. for whatever reason maybe just depression, we slept together a couple more times in that two weeks since the death that started it all. before i finally said, i have had enough and just never ever ever ever wanted to see her again.

A month passes, me and a buddy are out drinking at some bar, hitting on women like normal, that bitch was long gone in my head. Im talking to two chicks from another state, and i get a tap on the shoulder... its cunt. I say oh what the fuck, (facebook, she knew where i was cause my dipshit friend tagged us) i tell the ladies ill be back in a min, she walks with me and pulls out a positive prego test, and im in total disbelief... I say, how, when, what the fuck? i dont believe its mine, i had gone so many years, never a pregnancy i figured i was sterile. took my bio father 8 years to get my mom preg. She invites me to come "talk" at her friends, we leave. whole time im in shock, and really dont believe its even could be mine, she was emo bitch the whole time i knew her and figured she was prego, and had admitted to sleeping with a guy short time before we started hanging out. so we get to the house, she seems like shes trying to rekindle whatever she thought we had, which was nothing. so i say fuck it, go to sleep leave in morning, and texting later that night, we were texting cause i was not interested in being her friend, or anything for that matter, and figured it could be one of her slut friends who even pissed on the thing, i didnt care. then she started saying how she was having this kid, it was mine there was nothing i could , then out of feeling trapped i went into absolute RAGE on her. told her her body should be in a shallow grave in a desert, i hoped she died, i fucking hated her, which i did before but not near as bad as the entrapping bitch she was now being...

Long story short, a year n change come and go, i went through many jobs, but met a great woman and have been with her comming up on two years now that has two of her own. I found out i was the father in july after they sent me dna i was still in denial till results, just started to see my kid at 10 months old, having to kiss her cunt moms ass to even see her, fighting with my own mom till she said i was no longer welcome in her house... all kinds of lovely things. I can't be this cunts friend, and im developing a strange hate for my mother, as if she is siding with this cunt instead of her own son... her whole goal in life was to be a mom, had a physically abusive relationship with my bio dad which i found out at like 20 years old, hated that she hid the fact my dad was not my sisters, then my sisters dad was also cast the fuck out, restraining order etc, all by 10 years old for me... she also manipulated both me and my sister into thinking our fathers were no good peices of shit and made us hate them. no other father figure since 10 years old. I am now almost 27. I feel as though i never had a relationship with my sister, and my mom always favored her over me, and is like a man hater now or something i think, think im disowned by my mother, but really dont care.

sorry for the long read all of you, someone make me feel like im not alone in this totally fucked up situation... i still have never had my kid ALONE without her mother, or mine present, and now im going to have to pay backed child support. I dont hate the kid, the kid had no choice, neither did i to being born or in my kids birth, and she is also has severe cleft and will have surgery for it till shes fucking 21, i feel bad enough already because shes a damn stranger still to me, even in spite of almost weekly visits for 4 months. The whole situation makes me want to fucking rage kill her mother, and mine, for so many reasons, and to cry for my damn kid.
Your user name fits you perfectly.


Well-Known Member
yeah, sorry, but i don't see how you were forced to become a parent, unless of course she raped you and made you ejaculate inside of her ovulating vjj, any thing other than that, you were a willing participant.
if you didn't want to have a child with cunt, you shouldn't of been sleeping with cunt, or used condoms or birth control.. wtf people are so willing to have unprotected sex with cunts that they barely know is so beyond me..
and lastly, women hang onto mother hood as often times, as in cunts instance, they have to take care of raise the child all on their own.. if they didn't take mother hood so seriously, kids would be truly fuct..
sorry, but been trying to have a kid with my gf, and stories like this piss the fuck out of me..
i would love to have a kid with my gf... hence.. gf... not just random slut... hence why she is called cunt. lol that kid i would love, right away, cause it was made from love, not sadness, and depression.


Well-Known Member
As an animal of this planet weather you guys want to agree or not, men are not parents. we are simply here to fuck poon, and move the fuck on. pretending to be civilized is not getting you into heaven. lol


bud bootlegger
when you consent to sex, your not consenting to be a father, your just consenting to sex. otherwise all of us would have 5000 fucking kids dude...
jesus dude, when you consent to unprotected sex, or even protected sex, you damn well are in the knowledge that this is in fact how babies are made.. if you don't want to risk having kids, abstain, pull out, do the rhythm method, w/e, but don't just have free sex and not expect to have consequences..
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bud bootlegger
As an animal of this planet weather you guys want to agree or not, men are not parents. we are simply here to fuck poon, and move the fuck on. pretending to be civilized is not getting you into heaven. lol
i'm out of this thread before i say something i regret..