Force flowering 20 day seedlings


Active Member
Hey guys I just wanted to know if It's possible that I could force flower after 20 days of vegitation. My original plan was to transfer outside, but my first two plants got plucked when i put them in my location that I *thought* would be a good area. So I can no longer find a place for them and can't have it in my house. So my question is, can I force flower 20 day seedlings and get even a couple buds? (If you need pictures, just ask):joint:


Active Member
I wish i could wait but i planned on growing outdoors. Seeing as someone found my only spot where I thought nothing would be found and I dont have much of a choice to keep it in my house very much longer, it's either kill them or flower them.


Well-Known Member
You can't force a plant to flower, it will only flower when it is mature enough to do so. All you will be doing is causing extra stress on it. It is best to wait until it shows signs of maturity. I realize some people do put it in flowering early but until it's ready there really isn't a reason to.