For your entertainment

I know all you guys are experienced growers and will find all this hilarious, so enjoy:lol:

I started out in October with two little plants. Mistake no 1, I bought a bag of mixed seeds, so I have no feckin idea what I'm growing.
I ended up with one sativa and one indica, so there is a huge height difference. In a little cabinet with a poxy 100w fl that's quite a problem, so the indica is now perched precariously on an upturned bucket.

Mistake no 2, I planted them in terracota pots, which I have since been told they hate, especially in the cold. I repotted them, eventually.
Mistake no 3, I chose the coldest winter for years to start my grow, in an unheated outside space.
Mistake no 4, I put them to flower just as the cold intensified, the sativa was sad and miserable and dying, the indica went 'you utter bastard' and carried on growing.
Mistake No 5 - at some point I gave them nutrient burn.

Things I might have done right:
flushing at first signs of burn;
switching back to 24 hour light in a successful effort to keep them alive in the worst weather;
setting the new flowering regime to come on at night instead of the day, to keep out the worst of the cold.

The indica started to flower almost straight away. Today I noticed some funny bumps on the tops and round the little buds, I thought it was something terrible until I realised I was looking at trichomes.

I won't get a lot, but by god I have worked for every smoke, and I will savour it:lol: