Anybody else using foop canna bloom 1 & 2? I grew 1 royal queen seeds Blue cheese automatic using RAW GROW until the 3rd week then i started top feeding fish bone meal and fox farm fruit and flower dry amendments and FOOP bloom 1 and 2 and for the first week or 2 I didn't notice anything spectacular but then when week 3 of flower hit and the buds and plant exploded in size and never stopped until about 10 days before harvest. I also fed her with real growers recharge through out the grow ,though if were to do it all again I would use raw humic acid and full up and great white shark granular mycorrhiza and microbes with dynomycos instead of recharge,I wish I could afford to feed all my plants FOOP that's the only down side I can see so far is the price and honestly compared to other organic fertilizers it's not that bad


What's up man, nice grow!

I used the Foop nutrients too. I thought they were pretty cool, but I they are expensive. So I looked at the ingredients,

Fish Excrement
Volcanic Ash
Fish Hydrolysate

You could get some Fish and Seaweed fertilizer, Fish Sh!T soil conditioner and Molasses on your own and it would twice as concentrated, or have twice the NPK of the Foop. So still a little pricey, but they'd last longer because you wouldn't have to use so much.
What's up man, nice grow!

I used the Foop nutrients too. I thought they were pretty cool, but I they are expensive. So I looked at the ingredients,

Fish Excrement
Volcanic Ash
Fish Hydrolysate

You could get some Fish and Seaweed fertilizer, Fish Sh!T soil conditioner and Molasses on your own and it would twice as concentrated, or have twice the NPK of the Foop. So still a little pricey, but they'd last longer because you wouldn't have to use so much.
Ya I mean if it was that easy nobody would bother buying foop my dude lol but I make my own sweetner but I can only afford to do 1 maybe 2 plants full term with foop lol I use mainly top feedings of roots organic seabird guano and uprising bloom and fox farm fruit and flower, cavern culture and then feed with compost teas and root wise bio phos during flowering