Food Commercials When Baked


When your high and don't have anything to eat, food commercials are the worst thing in the world! I get so hungry man! On the other hand, I love watching food commercials and than driving out to eat. What do you guys think? (im baked right now.)


Well-Known Member
They are like... pornography..

I buy food before I smoke, and I love baking sugary munchies when I'm stoned. You should try it. If you find cooking a chore, you find baked baking fun.


For the last 3 or 4 days Everytime I'm high I see a subway ad. And for the last 3 or 4 days I've had subway. Lol


Well-Known Member
hate when its really late and you see one for some thing and there is no place open and you just gotta have it now lol and now that i live in BFE they roll the sidewalks up around here at 10 oclock:-(