Fogponics nutrient and volume levels


Does anyone know when using fogponics what the nutrient levels should be as compared to suggested for hydroponics? Also how much fog will condensate for recycling? If using 8 gallons a day how much of that will condensate back into liquid?
If in doubt start low, see how they are. Usual hydro stuff 0.5ec and go from there. I'm week 3 veg on 0.9ec (1.6 total) and it drops slightly every day which is perfect. I'd rather top nutrition up daily than go too hard.
Thanks, 0.5 is very low but agreed, see how it goes. so the actual loss of nutrient water will be very low? Just keep an eye on PH and EC? Temp of water at 65 F? Good info thanks again.
Very low water consumption at start. My personal preference is water at 20c for 2 weeks just to help them settle then move to 19c
Fogponics doesn't work that great, from what I remember. The nebulizers destroy the nutrients and the salts build up very quickly, causing them not to work. Probably the reason no one really talks about it much.
I have been using a fogponic set up for around 3 years now and have never had any problems and my plants grow quicker. As soon as the seedling emerges it goes into a net pot and then straight into my aeropod with the fogger positioned in the middle and then I fill up the pod with solution until it is around 1 inch above the fogger nozzle. Set the timer for on for 15 mins off for 15 mins using a non digital timer 24/7 and you will get very quick growth rates. A good tip is to make up your solution in a big bucket as it is easier to set the PH level in a large mass of water then transfer what you need into your fogger set up.
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Fogponics doesn't work that great, from what I remember. The nebulizers destroy the nutrients and the salts build up very quickly, causing them not to work. Probably the reason no one really talks about it much.
I cannot see how that can happen as the seedlings are not in there long enough as they are ready for transplanting into your main system once good root mass has been achieved.
I have been using a fogponic set up for around 3 years now and have never had any problems and my plants grow quicker. As soon as the seedling emerges it goes into a net pot and then straight into my aeropod with the fogger positioned in the middle and then I fill up the pod with solution until it is around 1 inch above the fogger nozzle. Set the timer for on for 15 mins off for 15 mins using a non digital timer 24/7 and you will get very quick growth rates. A good tip is to make up your solution in a big bucket as it is easier to set the PH level in a large mass of water then transfer what you need into your fogger set up.
Got some pics?