Foam Insulation?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone used foam insulation on the outside of their rooms, in between studs? Trying to find some more info about it. Was told recently by a grower who used it on one of his rooms that it help with temp obviously but also helped with smell making the room more sealed.
Hi, yes that should be easy and efficient. It would be much easier to just put full sheets over the studs [like hanging drywall]. If you can put it up with screws and washers, it can be taken down and reused...
I agree but would it have the same effect in terms of containing smell
Sprayfoam will seal everything the best. If using foam boards I'd stick fiberglass between the studs first and them use full sheets of foam over it. Tape the seams on the foam board.
If drywall is already up, I would just use blow in insulation. Save a ton of work, and can be topped off as it settles. I don't see how you can beat proper drywall installation for a seal with taped, and mudded joints and a quality latex paint sealing it over top. If done to most building codes, that's 4 layers sealing every seam.
Id go rigid insulation just for ease of use and cosmetically would be way better imo if thats a concern.
How does a homeowner go about blown in insulation as every blown in job ive seen requires a truck with pump and blower,looked pretty purpose built. Just curious because ive never seen it done on a dyi basis and i wouldn't mind doing my house for the normal reason of improving utility efficiency
I did it to the seams and edges of insulation board in my basement 11yrs ago no issues. What material have you had issues with silicone ?
How does a homeowner go about blown in insulation as every blown in job ive seen requires a truck with pump and blower,looked pretty purpose built. Just curious because ive never seen it done on a dyi basis and i wouldn't mind doing my house for the normal reason of improving utility efficiency

You can rent the machine. Most big box stores the machine is free with a purchase of so much insulation. I'd check and see what machines they have, as some work better than others