Flushing for nute burn, HELP !!


ok so what i thought was a nitrogen problem turned out to be i was over watering, so now i have a pretty bad nute burn on 1 of my plants, and i was wondering how many times do i flush with water? this is my first grow and i really dont want to have to kill my plants/or have them die on me. also how long does it take for my plant to recover from this? every day i wake up and they look worse! please help me out. the pictures are of the plant that has burn, also the jiffy pots are really saturated because i just flushed with water.



Active Member
:leaf:it is me! iam on my 1st grow to. careful with the water. root rot . snip bottom yellow leaves, keep little bit of stem ,helps less stress. dry out and chill out. you can always add to ,but can't take back.:blsmoke: read up on watering ,dry wet,dry ,wet like kids you will sence their needs. :eyesmoke: good luck!