That's just simply a cure gone wrong. Find some weed that burns white, dip it in water and burn it again, BOOM black ash. The same thing happens with ALL under-cured improperly dried weed flushed or not.
When you flush/boil it speeds the dry/cure process tricking you into thinking it works when you loose 10 days of swell.
So now there are idiots that burn doobies? Damn. Riu is something else. Lots of three year pros here with a lamp or two in a tent. Not calling out anyone specifically....just in general riu kids are something else. Iam outta here.any idiot that`s taking herbs over 200c deserves whatever toxins they get, I don`t grow it for people to burn it, vape it and save the vaped bud to make edibles with, concentrates ok far less problems getting them hot without burning but no real need to take flowers over 200c so I`ve never seen the need for an "ash test" its stupid, I can just look in my carbon filter and know how clean the stuff was
Well said wild
Which should be a warning sign for new growers !!!Some of the mofo's just need to take a gardening/botany/horticulture course, and questions like "flushing" will disappear. Unfortunately flushing misconceptions are still pushed by so called experts.
I've never seen anybody flush fruits or veggies before harvest. Do farms flush the lettuce before harvest?.. No they do not. Tobacco farms flush?... no they do not.
P & K is immobile in soil. and flushing is more likely to induce iron chlorosis that is a mobile nutrient. You are creating a soil problem. Not to mention most of us are using high quality potting mixes that reduce the overall need for NPK. Cannabis farmers are mislead by clever marketing to overdrive PK levels to get fat flowers and end up with a toxic soil and try to do weird stuff like "flush".
Just reduce your feeding at the end. If youre really freaked out about synthetic nutrients, you shoulda been growing organic,
I said something very similar a couple hours ago lol.The plants breaking down of nutrients is not instant, but it's water and nutrient uptake are, more or less, exactly like a straw lol. That's why when you water an under watered plant they recover super quick. Ever seen hollow stems...Looks like a straw to me. Dwc you also notice changes you make pretty much instantaneously. Salt buildup and lockout in soil effects this and is why you'll see slower reaction to your nutrient solution changes generally. Means the soil is fucked already lol. I really wish people would just figure out how to use nutrients and regimens correctly rather than thinking flushing out salt buildup due to your grower error is beneficial to the plant because of the action, not the reason.
If you nute the shit out of your plants and have crazy salt buildup you absolutely should flush your soil(not plants) to get rid of excess salts. But the idea of flushing a plant is pretty silly. Plants only take what they need from a balanced nutrient solution. And they definitely won't give you nutrients back. Lol. They won't take more or less unless you have over saturated nutrients or aren't feeding them.
I'm going to reference fruits here because I've never heard of anyone flushing fruits ever. And if you can't taste Chems in tomatoes or strawberries when you eat them and they aren't bad for you, I see no basis for the flushing argument with healthy, well-maintained plants.
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