flushing 4 weeks into flower


I have 16 northern lights in 3 gal pots under 1600 watts. I suspect I may have nute lockout and I want to run 2 gallons of pure water through each pot and then give nutes a couple days later. Am I gna starve them at this important stage of flowering . Supposedly this strain finishes in 8 weeks.

Noob grower1

Active Member
I'm in the same boat. I'm on week 5 n my ph run off was 4. Had to flush with 8 to get it to 6!.. washed all my nutes out will Feed next watering. Gl!


Well-Known Member
What medium are you using?

Soil? Yes flush and feed the next time.

Coco? Yes flush but straight after give them a low dose of nutes. Roughly a third to two thirds the strength you would normally be feeding at.



Well-Known Member
Throw them out! start over! :weed:
You have to do it, so my advice would be learn everything you can from the experience. you can see the condition of the plant when your doing this and apply it to new grows when things go haywire. You will have seen it happen and you'll know what to do next time.