flushed and went to hell


Active Member
flushed my plants because of possible nute burn ... sense flushing they have gone to hell ....i made sure let the soil dry out and then did 1/4th of my nute for feed will they bounce back cause man they look like they been to war there still in veg but im putting them in 12/12 for few days get sex to show ...i only got one pic phone decided to keep screwing up but that plant has it the most the rest are here and there and little on the upper leaves



Well-Known Member
how do you know its a nute burn? if you flushed and the problem did not get better then your probably starving your plants in the first place.


Active Member
looks more like a deficiency to me rather than nute burn. believe it or not alot of reputable fertilizer companies actually put the proper dosage on their feed schedule. if you only do 50-60% strength then eventually ur plant will lack in micro nutrients as it seems to be now. try a few full strength feeds at 6.5-6.8 ph.


Well-Known Member
that looks to be a rather big plant, it should have shown sex already, do you have better pics?.

i would have to agree with the guys above, it looks to me like a deficiency but it could also be caused by bad ph.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a ph issue to me. Most problems stem from Ph issues, get a good meter if you don't have one. Leaves are staying to Copper!