fluprescent fluprescent fluprescent


Active Member
hey all! do u think i can use fluorescent light throughout the entire growing process? i mean can i use even in the blooming stage?


Well-Known Member
yes you can there are lots of people that do make sure you also get the right light spec. for flower tho. btw do some research


Active Member
i dont really know in all of this sepc shit.... can please axplain yourself? cant i just buy a regular fluorcent light and use it throughout the growing process?


Active Member
just buy "cool white" fluro bulbs for vegging.. and "warm white" for flowering.... its that easy .. they are in all the shops.. if you can't get that sorted, then give up coz life will be difficult


New Member
you can but since the wattage of cfls are usually quite low your going to need a lot of them to maintain the right amount of lumens


Well-Known Member
what a newb but thats awsome bro cfls all the way man I Was new to all this stuff to theres a cfl forum on here man


Well-Known Member
you only need 6 23w for flowering 2 plants if in a small space, i just pulled 1 0z dry from each of my 2 plants.