fluffy buds cold temps


Well-Known Member
hi guys im growing in coco and i had a number of problems to early yellowing of plants during
flower, now fluffy bud i usally use dirt but wanted to try coco in dirt never had a problem with
bud density, so looking for a bit of advice. ive had really cold temps during flower will this cause
fluffy buds, i no it wont help having low temp thru flowering. but can i achieve tight buds growing
in coco. any advice would be more then welcome... peace

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
You probably have several issues going on, feeding in dirt and feeding in coco are 2 different things. coco is a sterile medium, you should be feeding medium ppms every time you water,There is nothing in coco, you have to provide for that. soil is full of good stuff that the plant uses between feedings to keep the flowers blooming.


Well-Known Member
Chuck is very correct.

Coco is whole different animal.

I use EC meter to test what strength im feeding at and compare that against the strength of the feed coming out in runoff.

Extra Ca and Mg is always helpful when growing in coco along with silicon supplements.

You should always achieve at least 10% runoff when watering in coco I aim for 20% to help stop salts from building up which can cause lockouts and deficiencies.

I tend to pH my feed around 5.8. But I also tune pH depending upon what nutrient I want to be uptaken the best. For instance N deficiency I pH my feed around 6.2 as N is better uptaken over pH6. If I have N toxicity I pH at 5.5 to slow the uptake of N.



Well-Known Member
My temps sit anywhere between 15C-28C depending upon where I want them to be.

Fluffy buds can be caused by, heat stress, genetics, not feeding a balanced diet.

I grow my hardest buds in the temp range 16c-22C.



Well-Known Member
my fault soz my veg girls are in coco will it be ok to repot in soil. as ive had so many problems with


Well-Known Member
my fault soz my veg girls are in coco will it be ok to repot in soil. as ive had so many problems with
The problems you are experiencing with coco are ultimately caused by you.

My guess is that you're trying to use it like soil instead if a hydro style medium.



Well-Known Member
i think your right there jondamon what do u suggest. and what am i doing wrong. any tips to prevent me
from having theses problems. as you said above im treating the coco as soil. any help with coco growing i would
be very gratful coz i still got a fair bit of coco to use. im currently was feeding every 2 days not getting any runoff.
using an sensi bloom a b big bud bud candy overdrive final phase plus i was also adding green planets pro cal.
im really new to growing in this media so any advice plzzzz cheers my ec is 6.0


Well-Known Member
I personally don't have any experience using AN products.

If your EC is 6 then this is your problem. I rarely exceed EC1.5.

If your pH is 6 this is ok for coco. However monitoring your nutrient strength going IN vs strength coming OUT is the easiest way to keep your plants healthy.

Runoff is the key to growing in coco. If you water with 1litre then you need to get 200ml of runoff.

Do you have a meter to test your feed strength?



Well-Known Member
soz my mistake my ec is 1.2 during veg then i raise up to 1.5 during flowering period, some time even 1.7 depending on strain slh.


New Member
Coco should be treated just like any other HYDRO medium. Daily watering of nutrients is a must in hydro. Is it straight coco or have you mixed it with anything like perlite? A couple of meters,ph and ppm will also let you see where your run off is at. 5.8 going in and no higher than 6.1 comming out.

Its hydro so if you got issues, flush, flush, flush and then start over, thats the nice thing about it.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
hi sir ganga ive mixed my coco with clay pebbles. so ph feed at 5.8 is that correct my correct ph is a 6.0
so daily watering i was only watering every 2-3 days


Well-Known Member
Coco should be treated just like any other HYDRO medium. Daily watering of nutrients is a must in hydro. Is it straight coco or have you mixed it with anything like perlite? A couple of meters,ph and ppm will also let you see where your run off is at. 5.8 going in and no higher than 6.1 comming out.

Its hydro so if you got issues, flush, flush, flush and then start over, thats the nice thing about it.

Good luck
Unfortunately testing runoff pH in coco is not accurate.

The only true way to test coco pH is to use distilled water with some coco that's been allowed to soak in the distilled water.

I NEVER measure my runoff pH.

I think the issue the OP is having is caused by a few things.

Magnesium being the first and probably most paramount.

But AN at wrong amounts or overloading can cause stresses on plants.

I'm not bashing AN here before any AN lovers out there bash on me.

But if you are using things like BUD CANDY, BIG BUD and OVERDRIVE from what I understand could be causing you problems if you are using too much.

BUD CANDY isn't this a carb supplement made up from molasses? IMO too much molasses or sweets can hinder the uptake if Nitrogen causing premature yellowing, not enough nitrogen IMO slows the plant during flowering.

BIG BUD isn't this just another form of PK booster? Too much of this can cause excessive yellowing and browning of leaves.

What NPK values do all your nutes have?

I use a 6-3-8 veg formula from start to finish with calcium magnesium supplements. PK booster during weeks 3 and 5 of flower and some potassium Silicat.
