Flowering with a 14/14 light schedule or higher...


I would like to try this once i have a good place and time to grow some buds of my own but i was wondering, what if a plant was to be put ona veging light schedule say for a month or two, then instead of switching to 12/12 for flowering, how about a light schedule of say 14/14 or maybe 16/16. whatever works best, My theory behind this is that plants cannot count time, they have no idea what time is hence they dont know how long they get light for, the reason they flower is because of the ratio of light and darkess. All they know is they get a certain amount of light, and the exact same amount of darkness, the ration is 1:1. since 14/14 still equals a ratio of 1:1, this schedule should still induce flowering, im not sure what kind of results i would get but im definately gonna try it someday, what do you guys think?


Active Member
I would like to try this once i have a good place and time to grow some buds of my own but i was wondering, what if a plant was to be put ona veging light schedule say for a month or two, then instead of switching to 12/12 for flowering, how about a light schedule of say 14/14 or maybe 16/16. whatever works best, My theory behind this is that plants cannot count time, they have no idea what time is hence they dont know how long they get light for, the reason they flower is because of the ratio of light and darkess. All they know is they get a certain amount of light, and the exact same amount of darkness, the ration is 1:1. since 14/14 still equals a ratio of 1:1, this schedule should still induce flowering, im not sure what kind of results i would get but im definately gonna try it someday, what do you guys think?

Incorrect on almost every level. Plants DO indeed know how much time they have of light and darkness. The longer the light period, the more the chance of the chemical reaction to occur that "tells" the plant it's vegging time.


Well-Known Member
I would like to try this once i have a good place and time to grow some buds of my own but i was wondering, what if a plant was to be put ona veging light schedule say for a month or two, then instead of switching to 12/12 for flowering, how about a light schedule of say 14/14 or maybe 16/16. whatever works best, My theory behind this is that plants cannot count time, they have no idea what time is hence they dont know how long they get light for, the reason they flower is because of the ratio of light and darkess. All they know is they get a certain amount of light, and the exact same amount of darkness, the ration is 1:1. since 14/14 still equals a ratio of 1:1, this schedule should still induce flowering, im not sure what kind of results i would get but im definately gonna try it someday, what do you guys think?

sorry, try again. you cant put your plant on 24/24 on/off, you logic is wrong. they need 12 hours of dark or more to flower. its nature, it can only be manipulated so much.


Well-Known Member
Thats a good theory about 50 percent dark and 50 percent light. But as already said nature dictates that it is 12 hrs or less. Will be most interested in your results though.


Well-Known Member
What if you did it as a 1:1 ratio, but 1 hour on, one hour off? Then you could in theory speed up the flowering processes. :D


Well-Known Member
What if you did it as a 1:1 ratio, but 1 hour on, one hour off? Then you could in theory speed up the flowering processes. :D
if a plant was only getting 1 hour of light at a time it would most likely trigger death, as the plant would think it was in the dead of winter.


the funniest thing is plants do not need 12 and 12 to flower, you guys know all those huge buds u have outdoors right now, not one of them plants is on 12 and 12 sorry, so plants DONT know what time it is, its all chemically inside their dna im sure some would respond well while others not so well, but again plants do not NEED 12-12 to flower, its just the accepted way that growers do things inside
If plants need 12 hours of darkness why have my plants been in bud for a month and the current day length is 13 hours. They went into flower at about 14 hours 7 minutes. You indoor growers are too strict on the 12/12 IMO Plants will flower on 14/10 if the dec rease in light hours is significant


Well-Known Member
the funniest thing is plants do not need 12 and 12 to flower, you guys know all those huge buds u have outdoors right now, not one of them plants is on 12 and 12 sorry, so plants DONT know what time it is, its all chemically inside their dna im sure some would respond well while others not so well, but again plants do not NEED 12-12 to flower, its just the accepted way that growers do things inside
Having studied photoperiodism i can clear this one up. Equatorial plant varieties such as marijuana are triggered into flower when the length of day and night is the same or very similar at which time cytokinin is released and cannot be reversed in natural conditions. ;'Plants DONT know what time it is', incorrect, marijuana does know, in natural conditions where abouts in the season it is due to many factors one of which is the moon position and the most widely understood factor-the suns position. Using the generic term 'plants' means nothing so I suggest researching your facts before telling anyone they are WRONG.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
If plants need 12 hours of darkness why have my plants been in bud for a month and the current day length is 13 hours. They went into flower at about 14 hours 7 minutes. You indoor growers are too strict on the 12/12 IMO Plants will flower on 14/10 if the dec rease in light hours is significant
i hear what you saying man. I would imagine if you were to leave a plant under 14 hrs of light, the plant would reach sexual maturity and the hormones would trigger flowering. Its just that 12-12 is the tried and trusted way that we indoor growers use, because it gives the results we look for.


Having studied photoperiodism i can clear this one up. Equatorial plant varieties such as marijuana are triggered into flower when the length of day and night is the same or very similar at which time cytokinin is released and cannot be reversed in natural conditions. ;'Plants DONT know what time it is', incorrect, marijuana does know, in natural conditions where abouts in the season it is due to many factors one of which is the moon position and the most widely understood factor-the suns position. Using the generic term 'plants' means nothing so I suggest researching your facts before telling anyone they are WRONG.:leaf:

so yor going to tell me that plants know when its 6am, 9 am, or noontime? no they do not sorry, time is something fabricated by man you are wrong my friend, a plant is on a biological timeclock, not a man made time zone, so again sorry your wrong, and then what does natural conditions have to do about anything of what we're talking about, i said marijuana plants will bud with less darkness than 12 hours thats what i said, plants are on a biological time clock, it is true that as long you keep them on 24 or 18-6 they will not bud, they will preflower and want to but will not, if they ''knew'' what time it was, it would try to continue to do its regular process, because knowing the time, it obviously knows that its supposed to bud in 9 weeks right? because that is what your saying. so again i will say this one more time, no you are wrong, plants do NOT know what time it is, just becuase they know the position of the moon and sun doesnt mean they know the 'time' again, time is man made, marijuana is not, to say marijuana knows what time it is is not only ludacris but is outrageous, marijuana and all plants in general have evolved to have a biological timeline and the only thing the sun does it tell the plant when to do these certain processes and release these certain hormones, it doesnt say, yo its late september at 8pm you better start budding buddy...

ps. i finally understood your conditions part...again i know plants know what part of the season it is, but they do not know ''time'', time and fall are different


Well-Known Member
I don't think you understood him correctly. When he was saying they could tell time he specifically said that they could tell where about in the season they were, not 8am or 9pm.

time is something fabricated by man you are wrong my friend, a plant is on a biological timeclock, not a man made time zone, so again sorry your wrong
Here you are wrong.. Time is real and exists. How can you say things don't age? Have you ever been in a physics class? Everything is based on time.. Clocks and calanders are manmade, time is not..

And when you're trying to make a point try not to use madeup dumb fuckin words like timeclock.. lol (What else to clocks measure?) They make you look like an asshat, and people tend to think asshat's ideas are rubish..

And finally thank you Woomeister for the information. It seems somone may have a little horticulture background.


Active Member
my plants know when its 4:20 everyday cuz we all smoke together..so lol!
what about an autoflowering strain?
it has to be genetic. I would say a lot of factors go into flowering, temperature and light amounts for sure.


Active Member
I also think he must mean 14on and 10 off, otherwise your schedule of 14on 14off is almost impossible to do consistantly everyday. They don't make a timer like that...