Flowering to early causing hermis?


Active Member
Hey everyone was just wondering if anyone has had this problem berfore?
Got 15 beans from hgs cluster bomb, 13 out of 15 sprouted i then put right into flowering because of time issues. All of them look great but got some hermi's its been 11 day's of flowering so far and i got 3 females 4 males and 3 hermi's so far and the 3 remaining havent shown yet. This is the first time flowering right away and the first time i ever got a hermi. Just wondering if this is due to the early flowering? This happend to anyone before? Any feedback would be great thank u will be posting pics as soon as i cut clones, will be running 3 one thousands with a 4x8 and a 4x4 with co2 covered all the walls with easy grow and my hoods are 6inch air cooled with a six inch carbon filter. Using 6 inch rockwhool cubes 2 stacked on top of each other 36 plants 12 under each one thousand any help would be great.