flowering stage


Active Member
quick ? im about to go into the flowering stage, ive been giving nutes for the veg stage do i have to flush it before i start giving it nutes for the flower stage or not, and will my plants grow faster in this stage


Well-Known Member
Don't bother flushing. It will take a couple of weeks for your plants to actually start flowering. THATS when they will need flowering nutes. Just refrain from giving any nutes until you begin to see flowers... THEN start giving them flowering nutes.


Active Member
i heard that when i go to 12/12 the will grow faster to is this true if so i need to start adjusting my lightin fixtures being clones will anything differ from growing straight from seed the are about 8" nice lookin stems and healthy also before i start to flower how can i tell if it is mature enough dont want to force it into flowering if it isnt ready all three of my plants look very plush

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
i give them a low tiger bloom and regular strength open seasame mix usually only takes 3 days to week for them to show their sex with this mix... but i also veg at least 5-6 weeks under t-5's


Well-Known Member
what i do is veg for 3-4 week
then swich lights over to 12/12 to start the flower stage off the I carry on giving veg food for the first week then i swich to flower nutes,
just what i do, never had any problems!
iam stoned


Well-Known Member
Switch lights to 12/12, feed with grow nutes for the first feeding then switch to flower nutes on the 2nd week of flower.


Well-Known Member
yo!! dcd if i were you id veg for a bit longer first! think about it the bigger they are before you flower the bigger theyll be after wards!!! let them geach at least a foot first! but if you are set on flowering then go ahead. you can flower any time you want! hell if you wanted to you can start flowering as soon as they sprout!
but seriously veg for a bit longer if you flower now you wont yeild much at all and i might not be worth it in the long run! and remember dont go starting to pick of buds here and there let them grow for at least 8 weeks in flower! if you try to take some here and there itll cut your total down big time!!!


Well-Known Member
i always flush 1 week b4 switching, it takes longer to transition with high amounts of nitrogen in the soil.

ive done it both ways

with veg nutes up until a week after switch12\12 on 2 identical clones

flushing and switching nutes on the next feeding started 5 days later the one with grow nutes took 15 b4 it started


Well-Known Member
gonna have to agree with Growspecialist. his advice is spot on-they will need the n during this transition time-especially if they are immature going in.