Flowering questions


Active Member
Hey all. I'm new to this whole thing, and i have some questions. I wanted to make a completely stealth operation, and i was thinking about doing the rubber maid setup (2 stacked on top of each other normally and then hollowed out). I have the whole design worked out and i'm excited to try it. However, i have some questions before i start. I know with my set up i could easily veg but thats not what im worried about. I wanted to know how much room (height x width x depth) do i need to flower 1 plant. Keep in mind that it needs to be stealth so the smaller the better. I want to find some strains for short plants so any suggestions for nice small plants would be great. I will be running a 150w hps (unless you think i could get away with less for flowering 1 plant at a time). I really like the rubbermaid design and i feel like it can be a great success, but im just to new to this whole thing to know if there is enough room to flower after the veg stage. So any suggestions on how you guys think i can pull this off would be great. Thanks!