flowering question

I have 4 plants about 6 weeks into flowering....3 of them are budding nicely the 4th which i think is sativa is not filling out like the others....alot of pistols are coming everywhere but its still growing taller a lil..is this normal?


Active Member
Could be. Could be getting less lights than the others, could have been shocked for some reason and stunted a little while the others didnt. I have two of the exact same strain, germinated the same day, in the same medium, same lights, on the same watering schedule. when they went into flower, six weeks ago, they were the same size... now one of them is about 6 inches taller, and its buds took longer to fill out than the shorter one. could have just been a stronger seed, and a stronger plant just by genetics. my brother and I have the same parents...who raised us the same....he is taller than me, but I am stronger than him(don't tell him i said that)....shit happens in nature. Id just keep taking care of her, and she will grow and give you what you need.


Well-Known Member
If it's a sativas dominant they tend to take longer than indicas, not knowing what the strains is it's hard to tell, pics would help. Sativas can take 10 to 12 weeks to flower.