flowering question..


Active Member
question about flowering... I vegged my 4 granddaddy clones under cfls for 5 wks... I jus started flowering today and I am hoping u guys can tell me how long to flower... and whut I should look for during that process.. and I was hoping sumone can give me a brief description on whut to do after flowering....?? thank u guys...

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
wait 2 months all hairs turn red chop um put in box for about a week then take out put them into canning jars and open every day to get rid of extra moisture for about 2 weeks then you have cured buds


New Member
why dont you shut up i know what im doing the trics turn the same time as the hairs do its good advise for beginners that dont have 30 times microscops fool
i dont need a 30 times magnifyier to know when to flower. my plants have red/brown hairs at 6 weeks flowering(AND CLEAR TRICHS) but i know its down to the nutes i am using.and the pistils are NOT a guide for harvesting.
its funny some people/dumbasses still call pistils "hairs".
so as i said its all down to the trichome colours and not the pistilate colours.
i wish people would learn/read the facts before talking absolute shite.
what you going to say this is bull.



Well-Known Member
hairs is just easyer to say and they look like hair, hairy bud, hairy potter , oh i guess theres pistil pete huh..