Flowering Problem

My plant is still kinda small and i think like a month old or so,i really dont know.My problem is that its flowering waaaaay to soon i feel.I havent had this problem in previous grows.

Anyways can i reverse this or do something to stop this??



Well-Known Member
Hmmm I have heard of plants showing Mucho sex, but thats a first to look at one. Let her grow and maybe (off subject) replant her in a bigger pot. Keep us posted I really want to know what happens.
i did replanted it just yesterday and i noticed that her root system was really really small

little weird huh?

i will keep u posted...any adicional helpfrom anyone would be nice

And just in case any1 wonders...Si soy de Puerto Rico y hablo español =)


Well-Known Member
I would think that you have a tarded plant. Small root system small plant, trying to early flower. If it where me I would fim her, just because.


Well-Known Member
what do u mean fim?
FIM is a wonderful technique that once done make 4-6 tops instead of one. You can sim in flower, but you need to know what your doing.
Plant grows straight up and has one big bud and a few popcorn below right. Well when you fim in veg it makes several new growths and now you have a canopy growing up and lots of nice buds.


New Member
Okay, you have replanted it...well done.

Now, what kind of soil medium are you using?
What nutes if any are you using?
How much light per day is it getting?
What size pot did you put it in?

Okay..need a bit more info, but as a start I would top that sucker either just above the second or third set of nodes. This may kick you back into veg and away you go and with multiple cola sites to boot.

Post that info though, and we can get down to brass tacks.... :peace:

out. :blsmoke:
its getting about 12-13 hours

im using regular soil...nothing fancy

and im using a 30-10-10 formula...i was giving it 1/2 dose but i cut down to 1/4 cuz i found out i was burning her

and i think the pot is 6inches its like double the size of the 1 u see in the pic
its getting about 12-13 hours

im using regular soil...nothing fancy

and im using a 30-10-10 formula...i was giving it 1/2 dose but i cut down to 1/4 cuz i found out i was burning her

and i think the pot is 6inches its like double the size of the 1 u see in the pic
yeah...i tought about that today and i thought that i could trick her by puting her under a CFL for 3 or 4 hours just when the sun was going down

will this work?


Well-Known Member
My plant is still kinda small and i think like a month old or so,i really dont know.My problem is that its flowering waaaaay to soon i feel.I havent had this problem in previous grows.

Anyways can i reverse this or do something to stop this??

sus plantas son "clones" o son de simia?

yo tengo unos clones que están afuera en el sol haciendo lo mismo. le e dado macetas mas grande, mas luz (día y noche) y también alimentos nutritivos con nitrógeno

suerte :)
gracias bro

suerte con tus bebes =)

ah y la planta es de semilla...q tipo de planta es?...no tengo la mas minima idea

es mj del area y es bastante bueno


New Member
No, that's not necessarily the problem. If you are truly in PR, that's all you CAN GET by way of sunlight. Certainly weed comes out great in PR, so it's not the light. Jamaica would have the same problem but some of the worlds finest weed comes from Jamaica OUTDOOR grows. Same light cycle as you.

I would simply top her and make sure she gets every available light possible, and keep the nitrogen going above all else. :peace:

As for the small root system, sometimes you need to really flush that soil wet...all the way through. If the water stays at the top so will the roots.

out. :blsmoke: