Flowering problem


Active Member
My plants leaves, usually mid leaves first, are beginning to burn on my plants when I first put them in flower. I grow in Sunshine mix #4, and recently switched from seaweed and honey mix I did myself to Advanced Nutrients Mother earth Bloom and the liquid carbo load, but I don't really think thats the problem. (maybe it is I don't spray them with anything but seaweed water and not daily. The burn is not from spray. The lights are no closer than they have ever been, no new bulbs. i recently had a bad bout of powdery mildew, but that's gone now, perhaps this is a viral attack on recovering plants? I don't know, but my plants are dying!!!
Anyone have any ideas?



Active Member
Okay, I had just moved the girls into a hydro habitat 84 (8X4 grow tent) about a month before my problems began. The retailer called once to discuss the possibilty of out-gassing with hydrofarm, and they said they had tested them and they were fine. Finally i made him call again and discuss the black spots bleeding through the white interior with hydrofarm, (who distributes but does not produce habitat models) and as it turns out, now hydrofarm is acknowledging their habitat models have a problem with chemical out-gassing and killing plants. They told me what chemical it was, but it was long and started with an f sound.

In case anyone is having similar crisping of leaves starting with middle level leaves, beginning on the outer edges but progressing very quickly leading to total plant death with no disease, nutrient, ph or other environmental problems, maybe its the habitat.


Well-Known Member
Okay, I had just moved the girls into a hydro habitat 84 (8X4 grow tent) about a month before my problems began. The retailer called once to discuss the possibilty of out-gassing with hydrofarm, and they said they had tested them and they were fine. Finally i made him call again and discuss the black spots bleeding through the white interior with hydrofarm, (who distributes but does not produce habitat models) and as it turns out, now hydrofarm is acknowledging their habitat models have a problem with chemical out-gassing and killing plants. They told me what chemical it was, but it was long and started with an f sound.

In case anyone is having similar crisping of leaves starting with middle level leaves, beginning on the outer edges but progressing very quickly leading to total plant death with no disease, nutrient, ph or other environmental problems, maybe its the habitat.

i dont know for sure whats wrong, but flush that shit NOW. lotsa water and leth them all rinse throught pretty well. i think :) im new to this so i might not be right.

too much N?


Active Member
i dont know for sure whats wrong, but flush that shit NOW. lotsa water and leth them all rinse throught pretty well. i think :) im new to this so i might not be right.

too much N?
Thanks for the reply, i think I've got the problem figured out, it was the habitat tent outgassing. i'd been trying to flush them out, tried to fix the ph and spent tons on nutrients to fix a problem that was caused my chemicals leaking from improperly manufactured plastic. Lame!


Well-Known Member
My plants leaves, usually mid leaves first, are beginning to burn on my plants when I first put them in flower. I grow in Sunshine mix #4, and recently switched from seaweed and honey mix I did myself to Advanced Nutrients Mother earth Bloom and the liquid carbo load, but I don't really think thats the problem. (maybe it is I don't spray them with anything but seaweed water and not daily. The burn is not from spray. The lights are no closer than they have ever been, no new bulbs. i recently had a bad bout of powdery mildew, but that's gone now, perhaps this is a viral attack on recovering plants? I don't know, but my plants are dying!!!
Anyone have any ideas?
I believe you have a very rare strain.... Kamakazee #0 crossed with African Devil. No one has ever smoked it but they say its sick :joint:


Well-Known Member
i had the ame shit happening to my plants,spent 3 month testing everything and they always die,soon as i tore the tent and made a wooden flowering room they got alot better

u can see from the pic before and after



Active Member
Pretty pictures!

Was it hard to build? Did you make it the same size as the tent was? Did you use the directions on this site?

Just curious. I'm not really a builder type (haven't the arms for it ;) but may take it up. I need somewhere to put the surviving ladies!


Active Member
I did put them out of their suffering. I only have two survivors! :( and i'm not even sure they aren't gonna go downhill, they may already be toxic. Very bad setback this was. I've never lost any plants in flower before this happened. The poor things!


Well-Known Member
Pretty pictures!

Was it hard to build? Did you make it the same size as the tent was? Did you use the directions on this site?

Just curious. I'm not really a builder type (haven't the arms for it ;) but may take it up. I need somewhere to put the surviving ladies!
i built it myself the size 2.4m x 1.3 x 2.6 twice as big as the tent was,i didnt use any directions from this site for the construction except for th ventilation and advice for the conditions that the plants need.And if u gonna start something like this and u got nobody to help u as i didnt trust me u in for a lot and the more i think its finished just this one thing and then i find some more,this never ends


Well-Known Member
from my 20 plants 12 survived dont give up yet,mine got back after the first 2 weeks thats the critical period


Well-Known Member
looks like they fried to death. To many nutes or what? Did your soil stank? Im guessing it was extremely alkaline.


Active Member
Thanks panta, it looks like I wont have to take up building after all, though!

Hydrofarm is replacing my habitat with the silver edition (which is more expensive) and they say theyre gonna send me a bunch of freebies too to try and make it up to me.

I guess the squeaky wheel gets the greese. If anyone else suspects their habitat is causing problems (and youve checked the obvious like the above mentioned ph problems) you might contact your retailer or hydrofarm directly. I am glad I did!