Flowering Problem


Active Member
I have the same problem (sort of) every time I start to flower, hoping from the nute guides to figure it out but I still haven't, so I decided to throw up some pictures. Any advice is appreciated since I apparently am to dumb to figure it out; if it is indeed a nute problem, if ya could let me know a good source of it (one that is easy to find around town) that would be awesome.

The first pic is the most common one that happens, no idea what the fuck that is.
The second pic is the later stage I believe of the first one, though I could be wrong.
The third pic is another later stage, guessin the same but it looks a little different then the second.
The last pic is a different problem (I guess) that I have, either that or it is the earliest stage of what keeps happening, not to sure.

Like I said, any help is appreciated. And for the record, I've looked at a few different nute guides so please don't just refer a link to one. I apparently don't have a green thumb and most of this shit looks the same to me. And ya, I know the plants are shotty, I'm still attempting to figure all this out. Thanks again for any help.



Well-Known Member
doob you are burning them up with nutes.

No miracle grow #1
1/4th recommended nutes from the start


Well-Known Member
holy shiznatzies!!!

press the restart button, get clean soil, use distilled water or check ph and us neuts 1/4th like said up above, but you have to be sure your PH is constant.. there are a lot f neuts out there that drop/raise the PH and with tap water or somthing it can really fuck your shit up!


Active Member
Haha jesus, I was hoping you guys would have been like "Oh you just need some more nitrogen" or something haha. Yes I have shitty soil and no I haven't checked my PH, never understood/bothered to look into it. Well anyways, thanks for the advice. I'll cut back on the nutes (not going to start all over again, this would be the 4th time that I've gotten to this point and started over like 2 months in). How does one go about checking/correcting ph?

Oh ya and I'm not using miracle grow. I have fox farms nutes and don't have a brand of soil, just mixed up soil from our garden (ya I'm cheap), perlite, and I think some spaghnum peat moss (not to much cause I heard that shits bad in large amounts).