Flowering plants?


Well-Known Member
When plants first start showing signs of flowers outdoors is that when I should consider them in flowering cycle? The reason I ask is any indoor grow I've done I don't really see flowers for 1-2 weeks after light chage to 12/12 but was told to start counting the weeks when I changed my lights to 12/12. Should I tack on a week for this in outdoor grow as well?


Active Member
Outdoors, once you can see their preflowers and sex shows. That's when you can start considering it in flowering.


Well think about it, you would have to add another week or 2 to it, cuz once it starts to flower all its energy is being put into bud production. my gigabud was showing pre-flowers when it was about a month old
when you can see preflowers does not mean it is flowering that is just a normal phase of the plants life, if you see little buds growing in you can consider it flowering it will still have veg growth for a couple weeks sometimes they can double their size when they go into flowering.


Well-Known Member
If you're thinking of trying to gauge maturity by days in flower, outdoors doesn't work that way.

A 30x magnifier will allow you to inspect the trichomes, and pick the perfect time to harvest.

Some plants will produce a few flowers at each node through the veg period, and then suddenly begin to produce clusters in late July or early August.
start countin from when you see the first hairs increasing daily!!! not from when you see pre flowers as you should see them on all mature plants they show there sex dont meen there in flower


Well-Known Member
During the flowering you say all the energy is being put towards the flowering stage, do the leaves have a tendency to sag a bit and point downwards? Sorry not trying to hijack this thread but I've noticed during the flowering stage my plant is not as perky anymore :) but I know its not lacking any water, P/K etc... Thanks!


Well-Known Member
preflowers are just a sign of maturity. this is their signal that they are ready for flower, not so much as being in flower quite yet


Well-Known Member
I started seeing the hairs increase around begining of august. Not actual flower formations but definitly more hairs. I actually thought something was wrong because growth totally stopped for about a week, then bam it stretched a good a foot if not more in a week and a half. The Mataro Blue I have went nuts, now I know why you guys top outdoors.
during the flowering you say all the energy is being put towards the flowering stage, do the leaves have a tendency to sag a bit and point downwards? Sorry not trying to hijack this thread but i've noticed during the flowering stage my plant is not as perky anymore :) but i know its not lacking any water, p/k etc... Thanks!
hey dude as you said not tryin to hyjak no ones thread but yes mate mine same|!! Shure there consentrating on flower masking!!! The stalks to leaves seem to shrink not ass thick branching on leaf stems!!! Same?? Peace