Flowering Plant Problems

Hey, so I have 2 plants growing about 7 weeks into flowering. THey are not really close to done yet, they are really just starting to form crystals on the leaves.
One of my plants is super healthy and looks great the other seems to be having a problem.
The leaves are all curled up like it looks like i have over watered them but the leaves themselves are crispy and dried out to the touch. They are curling a bit and it looks like ive overfed it a bit. I currently doing a flush of both plants this week.
I will post pictures very soon but im just hoping the plant will survive.

Anyone know if ive put it into nut lock or over watered it that the plant is going to die, its lost a lot of its higher fan leaves near the cola. It the leaves are beginning the show some crystallization but at a much slower rate then the other.


Active Member
You need to check the pH of your soil (if that's your medium) and nutrient mixture. Without photos it is difficult to help you. I can almost guarantee you'll come to the bottom of the problem once you regulate your pH levels.
The PH sat around 6.8/7 for both plants.. I think it was because i have over watered/ over fed one of them. It doesnt look like its doing too good and some of its pistols are turning brown on lower nodes.
IM afraind i fucked the plant up and its unable to bounce back


Active Member
Are you using synthetic or organic nutrient solutions? I would flush your plant and just get the pH of your mixture under control... 6.8/7 is still slightly high and you could have a sensitive plant. The fan leaves probably won't recover but at least you can encourage good bud growth by making it happy again. I lost a plant in my first grow too, it sounds like yours. If you can post a picture maybe we can help tell you if it's gone or not. If your pistils are turning amber don't worry, it's just doing its thing.


Well-Known Member
u also want to lower ph to 6.5 so u have no lock out of any nuts, how often are u feeding them? and then a picture of this plant would help alot