flowering outdoor february


Started plant under cfl lights but had to take it out because of electricity bill...anyways I put the plant outdoors because it was getting warmer out here in southern california. So the plants nodes are already alternating its about 2 feet tall.. I'm wondering if the plant will even flower and get buds or will it go back to veg state?


Well-Known Member
It will flower eventually. You do know that the cfl's cost almost nothing to run correct?


It will flower eventually. You do know that the cfl's cost almost nothing to run correct?
Yeah man just give it time. Dang CFL's hardly change youre power bill!. Unless your at home with the parents and your trying to hide the usage on the bill. cackle!


Well-Known Member
It will probally be pretty close but I dont think it will finish flowering before it starts to reveg, so you may need to bring it inside for a bit everyday when the days get longer and your close to finishing flowering. Or you could just let it revert. your call really.