Flowering HPS/LED Lumens Comparison? How much do I need for a big room?


Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody,

Thanks for stopping in. My friend and I are setting up a bedroom for flowering and I was wondering how many and what wattage of each type of light I would need. I can purchase a tent if needed, but I'd rather not. Are HPS lights better for flowering? If I were to buy 4 or 6 thousand watt HPS, would it be better than buying 6 LED lights that cost the same amount? Around 300 a piece is what we are looking to spend on lights. We then need to purchase a dehumidifier, air conditioner, ventilation, and fans as well. I was thinking about keeping 4 mothers vegging in my closet and just making that room a flowering room. Would it pay off to mix LED and HPS? or would that be a disaster? I am looking for ways to keep the heat down and the wattage up. When it gets hot in the room water evaporates too quickly and causes high humidity. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Hey Everybody,

Thanks for stopping in. My friend and I are setting up a bedroom for flowering and I was wondering how many and what wattage of each type of light I would need. I can purchase a tent if needed, but I'd rather not. Are HPS lights better for flowering? If I were to buy 4 or 6 thousand watt HPS, would it be better than buying 6 LED lights that cost the same amount? Around 300 a piece is what we are looking to spend on lights. We then need to purchase a dehumidifier, air conditioner, ventilation, and fans as well. I was thinking about keeping 4 mothers vegging in my closet and just making that room a flowering room. Would it pay off to mix LED and HPS? or would that be a disaster? I am looking for ways to keep the heat down and the wattage up. When it gets hot in the room water evaporates too quickly and causes high humidity. Any advice or help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Have you started this operation yet? Updates when you do would be awesome.

I haven't grown with LED yet, but I have done hours of research as a I plan on buying one very soon. Looks to me as you plan on spending $600 on just lighting(?). You can get a much higher wattage for that price in HID than you could in LED. Most people say HPS is better for flowering, but if you're willing to spend the money(much more than $600) you could flower some amazing girls with LED. The LED's will definitely keep the heat down, but if you're willing spend a few bucks on cooling/ventilation and a few extra bucks on the electricity bill the HID setup shouldn't run too hot(depending on room and light).

I've read a few journals of mixed HID/LED lighting and have seen some great results. Once I pick up an LED this week I'm going to try to flower with LED and my 250watt HPS. I think the girls will really dig the spectrum.


Well-Known Member
Don't expect to pay the same for led over hps, you should be clearer on the size of the space you will use to flower out in. Expect to use a 400W-600W actual draw quality led panel to replace a 1000W hps realistically. Others may argue but they grow in smaller spaces so frankly don't know. If you want a genuine 3x3/4x4 covered then use the wattages I recommend, this is my experience of growing larger commercial quantities with the 550W progrow.

Pro grow 550w
AF600 area 51/ or 336
360W diamond extreme
plant photonics amethyst 280W
blackdog platinum xl



Well-Known Member
I think we are just sticking with HPS for now. But I'd love to hear about your LED yields and quality comparison. Because I'd still consider switching, but I just don't know enough and haven't seen enough results with LED to really justify going for it. I don't like CFL because of the lumen loss when reflected. I like the fact that HPS puts out so much usable light at such a long distance and with reflection. I need something that will penetrate the canopy as I'm not doing a Sea of green. Thanks for checkin in and helping me out guys. :peace: