Flowering Day 18 / Possible outdoor start.


Well-Known Member
Photos # 1-8
Day 18 of flowering (bag seed) under around 240 watts of CFL's. Looking pretty good for a first grow if you ask me. Using Schultz 10-15-10 and Molasses together every other water revolving with plain water.

Largest plant is 20 inches, Smallest is 9 inches.

My oldest plant the hairs are starting to turn red already. Does that sound right? It is possible I had the lights too close and they burnt, though. I like giving this one a little squeeze and admiring the smell she gives off, so fruity! :joint:

Photos # 9 & 10

Veg room. Confirmed females. The small one was just taken out of it's plastic starter cup and transplanted to a real pot. :hump:

Photos # 11 - 14 & 17
I have been thinking of starting an outdoor grow but do not have a place to plant them yet but figured I might as well start them inside to get them ready. The ones with the (beer pong cup) domes are clones I took from the flowering plants. :mrgreen:

Photos # 15 & 16
1 Nice looking White Widow fem and 2 Big Bang fem seedlings. :twisted:

Eh... I removed some photos due to paranoia.



Well-Known Member
Hot damn. So many plants. Strains. Indoor/Outdoor. Keep it up man. Harvest is going to be a good day.


New Member
Lights are too far from the tops of your plants. Plants also look like they are suffering from nute def. What types of nutes are you using...


Active Member
I think the one that has droopy looking leaves needs to be transplanted into a bigger pot. The claw look happened on my first grow and it was because it was root bound. Try to flush it and transplant it asap.

Best of luck!


Well-Known Member
I use Schultz 10-15-10 liquid nutes. 5-7 drops per container I water with. Maybe 1/2 gallon - 3/4. I don't use all of the water though.

That one photo does make the lights appear to be far away. They're actually hanging below the largest plants. Still some inches from certain plants, though.

I may transplant tomorrow -- THANKS!