flowering cannabis clone? 12/12


Active Member
I want to switch my lighting schedule from 12/12 indoor grow with 3cfls 2 23wCFL daylight and 1 19wCFL 1on top 2 on each side closet grow foxfarm dirt 3 gallon pot bubba clone 2 months old 1month flowering smells.good has bit of bugs lie.lil black1s & want to.change out door for better lighting at 8 in the morning tomorrow is that fine? no.fan inside


Active Member
they'll get shocked if your outdoor environment is too different from inside. Introduce them gradually, Couple hours on first day then 3 the next etc until they are used to the new world


Active Member
those yellow spots look like spider mite stipules mate, you wana get them under control or youll wake up to a big webbed mess before long