Flowering after veg in aerogarden


Well-Known Member
Ok i know everyone thinks the aerogarden is fucking stupid bla bla... but i would appreciate some help on what to do to flower these babies once they're ready. I already have them growing in the aerogarden along with 2 45 watt cfls along the sides of them. I aint gettin no Halide or fucking hps crazy ass lights. i just need to know if its ok to use likeeee 3 or 4 (35 watt) cfls along with the aerogarden lights to flower 2 plants... watchyall think?


Active Member
What type of AG do you have, the newer model has a 12-12 setting which you can use for flowering but other than that you can just buy a Light Timer from a hardware shop or something.

As for lighting I think your doing good job with the setup of the 2 extra lights but maybe get bigger ones 100W cfls


Well-Known Member
If your ag doesn't have the 12-12 setting a timer will work fine. My first is 2 weeks into flowering and I have used the ag lights for vegging and added 4 cfls when i went to flower on 12/12. They are growing great. Your setup sounds fine to me. Korvette has been growing in an ag. Look up his threads. They were a big help to me.