flowering 3 days - too early to sex?

Miss Greenthumb

Active Member
I'm only in day 3 of flowering and it's already become clear to me what's female and what's male. It's my first grow, so maybe i'm missing something since i've read you can only tell after 7-10 days. but the girls have white hairs and the boys have pollen sacks. is it too early to throw the men away? should i wait a few days to be sure? how long is my window before the men pollenate? and finally, is there anything worth salvaging fomr the male thowaways?

thanx ;)


Well-Known Member
in rare(ish) cases, you can tell the sex in vedging period.

you could save the pollen from the males if you ever wanted to make your own seeds by polenating a female, so you dont have to buy any.


Well-Known Member
save yourself the trouble and destroy the males pronto! It is not that uncommon to see sexing this early into flowering- depends on how mature the plants were when you switched the lighting schedule


Well-Known Member
its extremely COMMON for plants to show "Preflowers" and sex is easily determined before flowering is ever induced. You just have to wait for the plant to mature under veg lighting. Throw males away, they have almost no value for the grower of Ganja. You have a couple weeks before pollen starts dropping, but you want to get them out of there way before that happens.