Flourescents or mh? which is better?


Well-Known Member
Alright so i have almost everything setup in the flowering cab...all i have left to figure out is the vegging cab. I have 2 choices and i want to know what others feel about this situation....well the majority fell about it as im sure there will be people from both sides.

Im going to have a 6ftx6ftx6ft tent setup. I am going to fit 16 plants in there. I either want to A) get 2 sets of 4 ft 6lamp t5 fixtures to cover all the plants equally or B)get 1 600w metal halide bulb.

now to give you the thoughts going on in my mind. With the flourescents im concerned they cant do the job the mh would. not that it cant do the job but it cant do the job as well.there is a difference. Im also concerned that im gonna have the plants closer together to make sure the light hits all of em.Also maybe upgrading to more plants i would need to double my t5's to add the plants i may want to in the future but with the mh i would have to double also so that kinda evens it out. but the t5's will be able to be closer than the mh thus maybe preventing stretching.

with the mh im concerned that the light will not be able to cover all the plants properly and that it can cause the plants to maybe get a little taller than i want to.topping and lst could solve this but the first time around i want to do it with just a regular grow.no topping or anything else. i could get a 1000 but im still worried about the outside plants.and then i would also have to worry about heat as next to this veg tent their will be 2 600w hps bulbs going for the flowering phase. jsut to let oyu all know.so i would have to get the mh,an inline fan also and then maybe an a/c unit.

well them are the thoughts going through my mind and what my options are that i want to do. fell free to tell me from experiece and maybe let me know of another solution that i did not mention.
thank you all


Well-Known Member
I'll throw my two cents in. You don't need to build your veg room so big. As long as you don't plan on growing trees, you could do something like 4'5"x4'5", put the plants in 4x4, and buy a 400w MH. That will veg them just fine to about 3 or 4 feet. This is assuming your building. If you have a 6x6 space, do the flouros, or buy some reflective material of your choice and cut the room in half. Keep in mind that the veg part isn't important as far as spacing is concerned. You can cram those bitches in at first. Also remember that they will keep growing during the 10 days or so it takes to transition to full on flowering , so when you start to think, "i'll transition next week", do it that day. If you want to keep them from stretching, go light on the nitrogen, or you can get some Gravity from Humboldt. That will keep 'em short.


Well-Known Member
Im not to concerned about the space i would rather have extra space.specially cause im gonna keep the mothers in the same tent so i counted on cramming them a little ya know. if i went mh i would get at least a 600. also with the height thing ill let em get a good 41/2 to 5 feet high would be the limit so i mean its all good with that i just was letting people know im not gonna veg em for like 2 months ya know.till they about 2 1/2 feet tall.
but yeah im also gettign a bigger tent with the option of going to 25 plants if i can do it that way with some form of scrog or lst if i decide to go that route. i already have a 400 and 250 with a 4x4 tent so after my mothers are done with giving me clones ill probablly flower em just to see ya know.
thanks for your .02 thats what im looking for ya know


Well-Known Member
everyone would do what he said...no one else got any other opinions.what would you do if money wasnt an issue and you were working with the same space as me?