Florida advancing legislature capping THC

10% flower but 60% concentrates, LOL. What's going to stop people from just putting concentrates on their flower and having upwards of 35% THC? Nothing, the same nothing that won't stop people from ignoring about 1,000 other unenforceable nanny laws that shouldn't exist in the first place. Seems like the losers of the war on drugs don't get the point.

"This is not a medical decision. It’s a policy decision,” Roach said, likening his proposal to a “cap on opioids."
Great comparison. I mean deaths from either don't compare at all, physical addictions don't compare at all, rates of violent crimes among users don't compare at all, and cannabis is one of the few healthy lifelines for people who want to quit literally life destroying opiate abuse. OTHER THAN THOSE THINGS, yea totally got it nailed bro.
Make no mistake here. Pharmaceutical companies are strongly behind cannabis prohibition or, barring outright prohibition, restrictions on everything cannabis.

When people like me can send seeds around the world and people around the world can grow actual medicine in the garden or the flower bed this hurts the Big Pharma shareholders and corporation bottom lines.

If you can please pass on genetics and don’t let greed ruin it. Help at least one person get growing and going. At least one.