floratonic by holland grow


I'm using this line of nutrients (floratonic 3 part) and keep having problems with deficiencies and lock out has anyone else experienced this problem?


Active Member
I am also using that combo + root stim I havent seen any problems. How much are you using what stage of growth is it? Pics could be helpful


Well-Known Member
I too have been using Floratonic - Holland Nutrients (3 part) nutrients for about 2 and a half weeks. It is my first time using this stuff, and I have been unable to locate any reviews for this product. This is a fairly new thread, there's always a chance someone might turn up who has some experience with this line of nutes - I hope.

No man or woman should ever have to choose between medicating his/herself, and breaking the law.


I am using that as well plus root stim and flora zyme not all plants are growing the same even tho it is all being fed through the same res. I am following the floratonic feed schedule. I have 3 in flower and I also add grotek monster bloom. Strains are thc bomb, silver haze, and krazy kush


New Member
Different strains will stretch differently in flower. Anyway I know this is old but, foratonic is good stuff, lockout could b cause you didnt follow instructions, micro first mix then grow and bloom.


New Member
Still use floratonic for veg cost and pperformancecant b beat. Im using it as well in the first 2 weeks of flower, and now switch to botanicare for the next 4 weeks. I like botanicare just a little cheaper my way.

Find that using floratonic the whole way thru is still nice as well. A little pk boost weeks 3 and 4, never get deficiency issues in coco. As I do with botanicare, need to use cal mag.

Floratonic is great considering the price.