Flora Nova Bloom


Active Member
Floranova Bloom is pretty good stuff. Plenty of growers use it start to finish with no other nutrient products. I use it as my base and make minor adjustments as the plants show what they want.
Any grows using Lucas formula for feeding would be a good source of info on this product.


bud bootlegger
yah, i used it on my last grow, and my plants seemed to love it.. got pretty good resutls and never had any issues with deficencies or anything like that.. got good yeilds as well.. no probs with it at all..


Well-Known Member
I used it before and it is great :blsmoke: For sure a nutrient to get when you dont wanna spend a bunch of money on other nutrients like Advanced Nutrients (the brand I currently use).

But to be fair just about everything General Hydroponics makes is high grade ;-)