Flood and Drain questions


Well-Known Member
So, i've been a soil grower for a little while now and I'm planning on switching over to hydro.

I've come to the conclusion that I want to use a flood and drain system. Does anyone have any plans out there?

I have a limited amount of vertical space so i'm trying to get the res container and the other container fairly small size vertically..If they have more length than height does this effect the roots or the plants? Say if the container was 16 inches deep and 10 inches long vs 8 inches deep and 30 inches long?

What is the best size for root growth in the top container?

Does the res need to be larger than the top container?

I just bought two 15 qt bins that I plan on using but I was just thinking that maybe the res needs to be larger..

They are pretty much just like this: http://www.spacesavers.com/15qtlatchcase.html

Any insight to this would be much appreciated


Active Member
the tray or top piece need only be as tall as pots you are planning to use +1-2 inches for overflow...

think my setup is like 7 gallon rez for a 22"x22"x5" table, not sure that helps you too much though...


Well-Known Member
If you fill your tray with enough pots full of enough media (lava, hydroton, anything heavy enough to displace water) or even throw bricks in to fill empty space, then you won't need as much water to flood the top and the bottom being the same size will be ok. Either that or just set it up to where you only flood the top half way if possible. Otherwise just consider yourself as having bought two trays and go find some resevoirs with double the capacity.

Roots don't need depth, not in ebb and flow. Just 1" of root depth is enough root space to support the plants needs if it's watered often enough and provided you gave enough horizontal root space to compensate.

Plans... Just watch "I grow chronic" on youtube.


Well-Known Member
quick question...
if i sprout in 1.5" RW cubes can i place them directly into hydroton for further veg and eentually flowering. im only going with two to four plants so the spacein my flood container is abundant just curious if i should continue growing in larger RW cubes before i would be safe to use the hydroton.


Well-Known Member
So, i've been a soil grower for a little while now and I'm planning on switching over to hydro.

I've come to the conclusion that I want to use a flood and drain system. Does anyone have any plans out there?

I have a limited amount of vertical space so i'm trying to get the res container and the other container fairly small size vertically..If they have more length than height does this effect the roots or the plants? Say if the container was 16 inches deep and 10 inches long vs 8 inches deep and 30 inches long?

What is the best size for root growth in the top container?

Does the res need to be larger than the top container?

I just bought two 15 qt bins that I plan on using but I was just thinking that maybe the res needs to be larger..

They are pretty much just like this: http://www.spacesavers.com/15qtlatchcase.html

Any insight to this would be much appreciated
A couple of random things that might help you...

Here we have DeweyKox's Lowrider Ebb/Flow Set up...



Well-Known Member
These are mine...:lol: all in ebb&flow / flood&drain...

About all I can say is that I am pleased... considering what I started with...:lol:

Many thanks a million times over to M Blaze for his willingness to share his PROVEN knowledge..:clap:

Let's get on with the show shall we...

Please press play.. and remember to support you local Nomads...


The Girls all together...:weed:

Such a pretty canopy.. I just giggle...:eyesmoke:

And I can only guess that big plants turn FAST.. . cause I'm starting to see some MAJOR action on the tops...:lol: ALL of them...:razz:

I kinda have a feeling this branch is going to need some MAJOR support..:lol::clap: guess that's what FIMming does.. eh?!?!?!:wink:

ok, some more budlets...:weed:

They sure filled in ...:lol: I guess sticking another plant in the middle helped to... :eyesmoke:

Here are the under-sides....

I have a feeling I need to consider a major prune session here... but I have been waiting, hoping that some might stretch enough and reach for th elight.. But I gotta say things are getting pretty full...:lol:

Here's a spotlight on Cinderella 99 by Brothers Grimm...

And here's some "crappy genetics" Bagseed...:lol::roll::eyesmoke::razz:
