Flavouring your weed


Well-Known Member
Flavouring your weed
This article is taken from an old timer growbook that i have and i thought i'd share it with you as it might be usefull to some.

"It is strongly advised that any flavourings be applied to only a sample,say a few joints worth.
Being stuck with a kilo of some drab flavor like avocado flavored weed may get to be a bit much,especialy in the bleakness of february.
Do only a bit at a time to see how you like it.

Most flavourings will fade away if exposed to air,so keep any flavoured cannabis in a tightly sealed jar,as a bag wont do.

Suggested flavourings

Bottled essences:
menthol,spearmint,vanilla,maple,peppermint,fruits. (smear some on to a cotton ball and put in the jar)

Real fruit:
lemon,lime,orange,grapefruit,apples.(use the peals only and put a little piece into jar)

Real flowers:
rose,lilas,fruit blossoms and other flowers.(put some in the jar)

cinnamon,nutmeg,cloves,rosemary,camomille.(use a tea bag,cut a corner off and empty it and refill with spices and staple the corner and put in jar)

wine,port,sherry,wiskey.(smear some on to a cotton ball and put in the jar)

Flavouring mediums to avoid

When sugar burns,it burns hot and gives off a hot,black carbon smoke,to avoid a carbon smoke,it might be wise to stay clear of:

any soda pop,
maple syrup or sugar,
Anything containing sugar."

Hope this helps,