Flavoring your plant


Active Member
My plant is in its second month and starting to bud, it gets natural sunlight and I water with perrier mostly and some water and nutes.
i was wonderin if using flavored bottled water or some propel fitness water to maybe give it a strawberry taste.
any thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
two products ive seen are the purps and blueberry flush they are supposed to add color and flavor


Well-Known Member
My plant is in its second month and starting to bud, it gets natural sunlight and I water with perrier mostly and some water and nutes.
i was wonderin if using flavored bottled water or some propel fitness water to maybe give it a strawberry taste.
any thoughts anyone?


Well-Known Member
i was reading a article in high times about complex carbohydrates(complex sugars) and making it sweeter with them , but no i don't think adding flavored water will work


Well-Known Member
i think it will. I used to put molasses in my water, as it contains many trace elements (magnesium, iron, and others) as well as sugars the plant can use. i noticed it was sweeter. then i did some research and found a guy who fertilized with dead fish and the like...and his bud smelled like dead fish. If i did it again i would try using pineapple juice or something similar. Its worth a try for sure...just be careful. ive killed plants putting mollasses in the water growing hydro. And in soil it may attract bugs. Use quality shit and you shouldnt have probs

Muddy Paws

Well-Known Member
No, your roots filter out all the "flavors" and extract the nutrients they need.

Molasses is very good for your plants @ about 1/2-1 tsp per gallon of water, but it won't taste like molasses.


Well-Known Member
My plant is in its second month and starting to bud, it gets natural sunlight and I water with perrier mostly and some water and nutes.
i was wonderin if using flavored bottled water or some propel fitness water to maybe give it a strawberry taste.
any thoughts anyone?

you could just grow strawberry cough. :-|


Well-Known Member
if anything, i would mix like, cinnamon into the soil. Cinnamon isnt water soluble so the plant probably wouldnt be able to suck it all up, maybe just the flavor.

Imagine cinnamon bud in a honey dutch....MMMM


Well-Known Member
Do not do that. That shit has so many chemicals in it I would be surprised if your plant made it. Some flavored waters contain Hexametophosphate which is a key ingredient in Draino. This makes me uneasy to even drink the stuff let alone smoke it.


Active Member
On the theory that grape vines absorb flavored characteristics from there surroundings, I took one plant during it's last week of flowering and "shock" watered it with only citrus...I took two oranges and a lime, put them in a blender with water and pureed the shit out of them..mixed with the usual nitron and topped off with water to make a gallon...to make it blunt... there was a very pleasant citrus aroma when the buds were broken once dried and a mild flavor when smoked...I was impressed to say the least...next time i'm going to try one with a heavy cabernet as well as the the citrus to see if it wasn't just a fluke...


Well-Known Member
I would say the theory definitely holds. i have a row about 8 feet long of heirloom tomatoes... The heirlooms at the end near the peach tree are really really sweet... The bushes at the end near my basil patch are quite a bit more spicy and robust.


Well-Known Member
Flavor is mainly determined by the many terpenes (essential oils) in the plants. In pot there is in the ballpark of 100 different essential oils and they are primarily determined by genetics. It is these essential oils that make up the taste and aroma of marijuana. Period.

There is not a shred of proof to support the assertion that additives can add any flavor to your plants. Lots of marketing hype but no independent studies done in controlled settings.

One way to destroy flavor is by over fertilizing and not flushing the plants at the end of their life cycle. A lot of the pot in Amsterdam in the late 1990's was like that.

Terpene - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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