Fixing cal-mag deficiency

growing outside... michigan.. identified brown spots and blotches as a calcium-or mag deficiency.. i have 3 weeks left of flower.. bought some cal-mag.. i plan on flushing my soil really good before i add.. how strong should i mix it introducing it to the plant? half strength? and can i add it withy fox farm tiger bloom and big bloom? ph water is 6..3 usually.. and for future grows should i add cal mag every once in a while?
why would u flush if u have a deficiency? Cal Mag is something u can add most of your grow i do it every other feeding with my feed. yes you can add it to your fox farm line. Cal mag is something you should be adding throughout your entire grow. If you have 3 weeks left into flower you can give it a full strength.
why would u flush if u have a deficiency? Cal Mag is something u can add most of your grow i do it every other feeding with my feed. yes you can add it to your fox farm line. Cal mag is something you should be adding throughout your entire grow. If you have 3 weeks left into flower you can give it a full strength.
ok thanks for info.. much appreciated