Fish Tank Smell In Bubblers


Well-Known Member
Are fish tank smells in DWC bubblers a sign that Aquashield alone isn't working. Is it better to dechlorinate the water before mixing nutes and aquashield OR just use tap water right away for nutes and add aquashield 2 days later. I feel my water lasted longer before I started letting spare buckets of water stand for two days before water changes. Should I change my water after only 3 days if it smells funny? Can I stretch it to seven days? I have so many questions! Is the fish tank smell associated with root rot?

I need expert advice.

P.S. When I have money for another pump and more supplies I will make tea for the water with EWC but for now I don't.


Well-Known Member
If it's an "earthy" smell, that's totally normal. AquaShield has actinomycetes bacteria in it... They are what gives healthy soil that distinctive smell (it's not a "bad" smell or anything - so if it smells rotten or ammonia-like that's not what's going on). A high number of actinomycetes is good since they release antibiotics and other compounds that inhibit pathogens from getting established.


Well-Known Member
I know what you mean about the earthy smell, I have a very healthy one next to it. When i started out , i had temp to high in water and one of em got a brown root and the root died. No slime or anything, no dead leafs either. Then, more roots came, now those roots are brown and dying. I see more white roots coming, not sure if brown roots are stained or dead. They don't seem like they are growing.In the first picture is my healthy 23 day old from sprout and the last three are the problematic one of the same age: 100_2763.jpg100_2764.jpg100_2765.jpg100_2766.jpg


New Member
Roots and plant look healthy. Wouldn't freak out unless its like a sour smell. Even then just change the water out with som RO (green lid) gallon water at wallyworld