First WW grow, opinions welcomed


Active Member
Ok, so this is my second indoor grow.. i'll also attach a photo of my first indoor grow (currently flowering) so you can see where I'm at..

This is my first WW grow, I've never even smelt the stuff before.. no can get in my country, so this is an exciting grow for me, i'm sure you understand.

I've copied a bunch of info from another thread of mine, as it says in the title.. i'm all ears to advice & opinions, rollitup is a bible for me :mrgreen:

Here's my nutes:

being drip fed 4x a day...

I just transplanted 3 into my dripfeed/ebb & flow table as seen here, prob about 2 weeks old:

And here are their sisters (and probably brothers grr) in my bubbler.. I wanted to see how the transplant effected them before putting them all in there in case they fell over and I lost em all.



Active Member
yeah bro, the table has the drain back into the res like any regular flood and drain table but I'm using drippers instead of "flooding" the whole table, it's pretty "clean" i think and the rockwool holds in that moisture and oxygen in really well.