First Try: THC Bomb, Purple Dream


Well-Known Member
10 Pack - THC Bomb Reg
2 GDP Purple Dream Reg (freebies)

Germinated using wet paper towel method: 4 THC Bomb, 2 Purple Dream, 2 random bagseed.

All seeds popped withing a few days except for 1 THC Bomb, and 1 old bagseed. Germed two more 'bomb seeds to make up for the lost ones, but for some reason neither of them popped after over 2 weeks of trying. 3 of 6 of the 'bombs failed to pop. (Saving the last 4 seeds for a future grow).

Not sure what went wrong... they were all on a constant heat source that kept them warm, not hot, and were stored in the dark. Same method that has worked well for the last few grows. Anyway...

The sprouts were put into 4" pots of FF Light Warrior an under 24/7 light for roughly 2 weeks then transplanted into 1/2 gallon pots with FFOF. Of the remaining 6 seedlings, all seemed to be growing normally, if a bit slow. After a couple more weeks at 20/4 light, 4 of the 6 seedlings were nearly ready for flowering, but 2 of the 'bombs were stunted.

All but one of the stunted 'bombs were topped at least twice during the grow period. Not sure if that could've been a problem, but the two runts never grew over 6" tall during grow cycle.

At roughly 4-5 weeks all 6 were transplanted into 2 gallon pots of FFOF for another week or so before 12/12.

10 days into flowering all three 'bombs were female, as were both Purple Dreams. The lone bagseed had balls, so he got the ax. However the two stunted 'bombs were just not growing very well at all. They did keep flowering with the rest of the girls, but stayed runts. They never got over 8" tall. Also, somehow they either got burnt from the FFOF, or the Roots Organics Uprising Grow which was only used once on each plant per the instructions.

The two Purple Dream and 1 'bomb that were growing good were transplanted into 5 gallon pots of FFOF in the third week of flowering. The buds on the runts were nice and crystally, but after almost 4 weeks of flowering it was clear that they were just taking up room. They got culled. Their smoke hints at what might've been...pretty much what most have been saying. Not couchlock but kind of a working buzz. It lasts and hour or so, with residual 'heavy eyes' affect. Definately not a fair assessment however. These runts were still a month off from being ready. They yielded about 5g dry...seriously not worth going any longer.

However, within the first week after flowering began (before the runts were culled), the good 'bomb showed balls to go with her bush. Yep. A hermi. She's still flowering along side the Purple Dreams, but she's had her balls removed. She looks otherwise good though showing some over-fert issues.

THC Bomb

The Purple Dreams
purpledream1.jpg purpledream2.jpg

So from the 10 pack of THC Bombs, 4 were saved for a future grow.

Of the 6 that were put to germinate, 2 failed completely, 1 was a still birth (popped but didn't grow when planted), 2 were runts that were harvested a month early and yielded less than a half z, and one is a stressed hermi still three weeks away from harvest.

Though, in this grow, the THC Bombs might not have worked out as well as one would hope, it seems the GDP Purple Dream seeds are making up for the difference.

The Purple Dreams seem to be heartier and able to handle nutes better. Nice fruity smell, though it can permeate the house, somewhat. Hopefully they smoke as good as they look.
Seems look you and I had similar experiences with the THC bomb, except I only bought one bean. But, man, did it lack vigor. It even ended up herming a little bit on me. I thought I'd love the THC bomb but I was pretty disappointed with it overall. That Purple Dream looks killer though, definitely gonna be a nice smoke on that one! Good luck!
hello, could you go into a little more detail about your setup especially in the early stages, including and trimming or topping? We are interested to know how you had such poor results from what should be a very solid strain?
I have grown THC Bomb during two seperate grows. A total of 5 plants. Finished up as one of the most potent smokes I ever had, and was actually a bit to heavy for me.

I have to question where you got your beans? That pic u provided looks nothing like mine. By week 3 of flower mine were very frosty. Never had any issues with hermies either.

Sucks you are having such bad luck, it truely was a great plant.

On a side note: i highly recomend Cherry Bomb from Bomb Ceeds. All around my favorite: looking plant, smelling plant, tasting and buzz! I have 12 clones right now, this is going to be my 4th run with her. She does throw a nanner or two, but that is around week 8-9, just before harvest, so no worries
First off, in no way am I trying to discredit Bomb Seeds at all. I’m just reporting my experience with THC Bomb Regulars so far. Believe me when I say that I am really looking forward to enjoying the potency I’ve read about. Hopefully, the THC Bomb that hermied on me will still prove to have been worth the wait.

I used a ‘tried and true’ method that has worked for me in the past.

I started the seeds in a wet plain white paper towel in a small ziplock plastic bag. The bag was placed on an aluminum pie tin on a heat source in the dark. (The heat source happens to be a cable box, which is constantly warm, but not hot at all.)

Of the eight seeds I started using this method, four of which were THC Bombs, only six popped. One THC Bomb and a seed from a bag of killer weed (allegedly) failed to pop. I attribute the bagseed failure to it being too old. The two Purple Dream freebies and my fresh bagseed (from a previous grow) popped within 24 hours, but the three remaining THC Bomb took a few days longer. Later, about two weeks into this grow, I tried to germ two more THC Bombs using the same paper towel method to make up for the two seeds that didn’t pop. But those failed too.

When the seedlings got to about ½” long, I put each one in small 3” pots of Fox Farm Light Warrior and into my veg cabinet on 24/0 light under a 4x24” T5 fixture. The cab is a small metal storage cabinet about 28"w * 18"d * 32"t and has a pair of small 3" exhaust fans from an old computer and another 4" computer fan to circulate air inside the cab.

The seedlings seemed to be growing normally for the first week or so. No added nutes, just water. At roughly 10 days the growth seemed to be slowing down, so I figured the FFLW was beginning to run out of nutes. (I regret buying FFLW as it was relatively expensive and the smallest bag was far too large for my needs.)

At this point, roughly 10 days into growing I transplanted the seedlings into larger 1/2 gallon pots of Fox Farm Ocean Forest. The FFLW seems not to give the root ball much to hold on to for transplanting. It crumbles up too easily, though I don't think that was a problem with the THC Bombs.

After another 2 weeks two of growth two of the THC Bombs seemed to be growing very slowly. The other plants looked good and were growing normally. In that time I topped all but one THC Bombs when they had at least 4-5 solid nodes, and then again after the new branches had 3 or 4 new solid nodes. No nutes to this point. They were transplanted into 2 gallon pots of FFOF at this point.

Once the plants reached about a foot tall, I added a bit of Roots Organic Uprising Foundation/Grow/Bloom and started them flowering. All told, in this grow it took about 6 weeks to get to that point. After 10 days or so, the one bagseed was male, the two THC Bomb runts were female, the third THC Bomb hermied but otherwise looked healthy, and the two Purple Dreams were female and looked healthy. I took the two Purple Dream and one THC Bomb and transplanted them into 5 gallon pots of FFOF.

The rest is in my original post. Not sure what else you might want to know but feel free to ask.