First Timer With Nutes


Ok i got some questions......jus picked up some nutes for the babies. I got fox farm grow big 6-4-4 and fox farm big bloom 0.01-0.3-0.7. First are they good and second when i start to flower to i still wanna give grow nute and bloom nute or stop the grownute and jus give bloom? Another question are t5's good for veg?


Well-Known Member
Yes those nutes should do you well, Give the grow big up until flower and than when you see sigs of sex start with the BB nutes, also when you introduce the nutes to your plants at first give half the recommended, monitor and than up the dosage if they don't look burned or if they look good you can try 3/4 and so on, Toke On!
You don't necessarily have to flush your plants. If you know how to cure, and you can do it well.

All the chemicals get removed in the curing and drying process. (if done correctly)
