First timer Questions


Hi yall' Im a first time grower but long time stoner I got a question or 2 for ya:

My gals look good but we got a week of rain in the forecast they start flowering last week and can all this rain hurt my gals?. they got decent drainage but i tend to be an over worried father !

what should i do bout all the lower leaves that seem to be drying up ?

Any help will be apreciated and I like this website Rib

Illegal Smile

Rain is a part of nature. If they drain well don't worry about it. Let the leaves go, the plant will get rid of them if it wants.


Well-Known Member
like the bird said, rain is a part of nature... it wont hurt your plants if u have good drainage. but rain water can also cause mold on your bud if u get to much rain towards the end of the season, just keep a good eye on them and youll be very happy come harvest!:leaf:
Wouldn't worry about the lower leaves, especially in flowering. The plant is putting all its attention to the buds. As long as the problem doesnt start to move up you should be fine.